Deca side effect from cycle.

Alright, so do you guys honestly think if I run another pct week at the end of week16/beginning of week17, I might be able to recover ?

Yes, you might be able to recover. There is never a guarantee. That is always a risk you run when you use AAS. But given how young you are (endocrine system/brain not fully developed) and how you really screwed this cycle up, your odds of recovering are lower than average. Sorry... I wish I could sugar coat it for you.
I don't know if this means anything, but I fell asleep and had a dream about fucking a girl. Does this mean anything ?
Nothing whatsoever unless you are gay.
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh shiiiiiiiit... That explains a LOT! :spin:

OP: You're going to have to tough this out buddy. The SERMs will help, but ultimately it's going to come to mommy nature doing her thing - IF you're lucky, and recover. Not going to bash, just telling it how it is.