Deca/TestC cycle simple diet questions


New member
Here's the thing...

Im 22 6"2 180lbs. Just began my first cycle ever. I've already been lifting, dieting jumped from 160ish to now 180 over the last 3 months. Hit a wall about 3 weeks ago, read into proper steroid use and now I'm here.

So I already have a rough ~3200 calorie diet filled with meats and all the essentials. Got the vitamins taken care of too.

My question is simple. What are some good brands of meal replacements? I'm talking weight gainers with high calories. Everyone tells me they are all garbage but I feel I can increase my caloric intake with them and I need to do that for this cycle obviousley (I'd like to be around 4000). Any good meals are also appreciated. Thanks
im a whole foods philosophy guy so i cant help you much there..

meal replacement isn't in my philosophy...

but if you MUST miss i a meal

i would do a shake with an efa and slow digesting carb


2 scoops whey
2 tablespoons pb
1 cup oats

blend away
I guess my question then would be why? Why are meal replacement shakes looked down on by so many? Im looking for extra calories and protein not a full on new diet. I eat well, nothing processed cook almost everything myself. Organic Eggs, whole wear bagels with pb, drink vit d milk like mad, prime rib sandwiches on potato bread, steaks, 93% lean burgers (hold the mayo), turkey, black beans, assorted fruits, nuts, beef jerky, salmon (love sushi). I just need something in between my meals to quickly consume. Im currently taking rebuilt-mass the 850cal 60g protein per 3 scoops. If this is garbage, which after some research I don't feel it is, then what else is out there?
real food will always work better then some weight gainer.. it doesn't absorb as well...

since you feel its fine to have it then go for it.. my philosophy doesn't include taking meal replacements.. real food works better

good luck!
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