Decca making my herniated disc feel better

OK gotcha yeah that's not much weight. The only problem is just doing the squat motion puts a lot of pressure on L4 and L5 in the lumbar and especially the deeper you go. So technically by doing any squatting motions repeatedly you're putting more pressure on the damaged disk. It sucks to because there's no quad builder like an old-school barbell squat.

Give this a try, use one of those weighted dip belts and load it up with a 45 or maybe even less at first and you can stand on 2 platforms with the weight hanging between your legs and between the platforms. The weight is sitting on your legs which doesn't put a lot of pressure on your lower back. This works but it's a pain in the ass to set everything up and keep adjusting the belt as it will pinch the skin around your hips.

This is perfect!!! Yea I've stayed away from squats completely, I've been using the smith machine which doesn't put a ton of weight on my shoulders. I just don't want chicken legs lol. I'm definitely gonna try out what you said with the weight belt today. Thanks so much for the advice.
I can't believe doctors don't pescribe this stuff for people with herniated discs. I've had one for 8 years and I've done everything you can imagine and decca is the only thing that has made me feel way better. I literally could t out my socks on or even sleep at night without tossing and turning. I'm 10 weeks in my decca cycle and I'm gonna have to come off of course. At what dose is decca safe to take when TRT?
Yeah probably not good for all year use but if you used it maybe 4 or 5 months out of the year it can be helpful. Here's how I look at it tho if you decide to run it year round....
So if deca is another alternative so you can live a nice normal life Mayne the long term sides can be handled? Monitor closely. Will it even be an issue? Lots of questions but maybe worth looking into.


Long term usage is my question. The benefits of deca for me are amazing. What things might I look for in my blood work that might indicate it's causing problems??
I can't believe doctors don't pescribe this stuff for people with herniated discs. I've had one for 8 years and I've done everything you can imagine and decca is the only thing that has made me feel way better. I literally could t out my socks on or even sleep at night without tossing and turning. I'm 10 weeks in my decca cycle and I'm gonna have to come off of course. At what dose is decca safe to take when TRT?

Me too bro I'm getting all kind of relief from my herniated disc while on Deca. I'm currently taking deca 300mg with my TRT dose but i'm only going to run it for about 12 weeks. I do hear of guys taking Decca with their TRT long-term and I think they take around 100mg but I wouldn't recommend it as it's going to throw your blood Work off.

Also how did those squats with the weighted dip belt work out for you?
Long term usage is my question. The benefits of deca for me are amazing. What things might I look for in my blood work that might indicate it's causing problems??
High HCT, red blood cells. If you are someone on TRT already struggling with that, it would be ill advised. Most guys are only 200/week with TRT and regular blood donations keep things in check.