

Iron Man
why is it that almost everyone says decline bench press is a bullshit excersise.. and is a big waste of time to do ? what is your reasoning for that?

and john i know you suggest using declines ? why?

The possible injuries vs the benefits keep me from doing this exercise. I never get a pump from this exercise and I have found weighted dips to be my favorite chest builder.
i love declines. you can handle more weight and often times if you are stuck on flat bench sub declines in for a month or so and almost everytime once you go back to flat you will break thru that barier. it is very similar to a dip depending on the decline of the bench. for me personally dips kill my shoulders so i dont do them but they are a great exercise if you can do them. i will say this that a "pump" is overrated. just because you gettin a pump dont mean you are getting optimal exertion in a given muscle group. I rarely get a pump on any exercise unless i am doing high reps which in my opinion is not optimal for building muscle.
Decline bench helps isolate the chest if you are one of those folks who arches their back to get the weight up.
I think they rock, I can't do much heavy flat benching anymore so declines are the base of my chest routine. They work for me just like dips, without the hassle of a weighed belt.
I fucking hate them, they destroy my shoulder. I seem to be the only one who has this problem though, lol. I never got much from them, weightes dips seem much better to me. I know alot of guys who swear by them though, llike mudge. Everythign is a personal preference, you have to see what works for you, don't take what people say as gospel, figure it out on your own.
I started doing them again about 3 months ago and have loved them, I dont grip wide otherwise yes my shoulders will bug. I can't flat bench under 10 reps for too many workouts before my shoulders bug me.

The one thing about decline I am not fond of is unracking it myself, I try to get as close to under that bar as I can - so thankfully I am tall. This is one thing I find helps save my shoulders is not having to do a lot of work OTHER than the movement itself, follow this rule for any kind of benching IMO. I also do rotator work on delt day. 15 pound dumbells, slow and easy, high reps.
jcp, I've got the same problem.
My shoulders always hurt like a bitch afterwards so I quit doing them long ago. I stick to the flat bench, inclines, and dips.
I like decline dumbbell press a lot. Barbell seems to have too limited ROM for me.