Deep tissue massage

If I had the money I would love to get some myofascial release done weekly. I have a friend who is certified and teaches the technique. She does a great job and it really helps with growth. I have even used this on some of my patients for physical therapy.
70w30 said:
This is for the pros ,I am in no way shape or form a pro but am looking for benefits of this.Does this help ?

I didn't read all the posts so i fthis is already up, I apologize. Though some people may use these terms interchangeably, what you are really after for recovery and releasing mucsle hypertenicity is neuromuscular massage and not necessarily deep tissue. I say this because some RMTs use deepo tissue more as a hybrid between a therapeutic & relaxing style, rather than actually breaking out twisted fibers, releasing trigger points, and getting rid of transferral pain.

True neuromuscluar is NOT relaxing and is usually fairly intense but DAMN does it make you feel better! FWIW, IMO.