Define Saturation Dose of a peptide


New member
Ok so we read about a saturation does for a particular peptide. Say for sake of illustration that a saturation dose for peptide x is 100 mcg.

When I look up saturation dose it gets defined as the dosage one can expect maximum results 'in a specified period of time'.
Umm, ok

So if a saturation dose for a peptide is 100 mch but you want to take it say 2 or 3 times a day does that mean that one should not exceed 100 mcg for each administration or is that 100 mcg for the entire day?

Interested in your thoughts.

I was hoping someone more in the know would reply. I know it will involve how long the peptide remains/ it's 1/2 life, dose for saturation and how long it stays bonded to the site. That's just a transfer from researching AAS and drugs. Some of these subforum are less active than I'd like. Haha