Define Steroid Addiction


New member
Like almost anything else in life, steroids can be abused. What's your definition of steroid abuse?

Where do you draw the line between responsible cycling, and an out of control addiction?

I think when you decide to stay on permanently (besides for TRT) you can say your addicted. Also, if your not on all the time but you use dosages so high that they cause serious and possibly permanent side effects you can say your addicted. I think an addiction is anything that seriously and negatively effects you physically, mentally, socially or emotionally. That's just my opinion, what's yours?

By the same token, almost anyone who has been successful (how define that is up to you), from Ghandi to Bill Gates to Ghengis Khan, hasve demonstrated addictions to their goals and suffered major consequences as a result.
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I think you are addicted to steroids as soon as building muscle becomes more important then your long term health..cosmetic sides are one thing but liver/heart/endocrine function is another.
i think steroid addiction is more mental and emotional rather than say a heroin addicts body craving the drug. distorted self image and the possible depression that comes from a crash off a cycle without proper post cycle therapy (pct) makes people want to go back cause they feel to small or weak. maybe im wrong but thats how i view it
outlawtas2 said:
Like almost anything else in life, steroids can be abused. What's your definition of steroid abuse?

Where do you draw the line between responsible cycling, and an out of control addiction?

I think when you decide to stay on permanently (besides for TRT) you can say your addicted. Also, if your not on all the time but you use dosages so high that they cause serious and possibly permanent side effects you can say your addicted. I think an addiction is anything that seriously and negatively effects you physically, mentally, socially or emotionally. That's just my opinion, what's yours?

By the same token, almost anyone who has been successful (how define that is up to you), from Ghandi to Bill Gates to Ghengis Khan, hasve demonstrated addictions to their goals and suffered major consequences as a result.

I dont think testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) (200mg every other week) is abuse, now 300mg and up weekly...yeah thats abuse. Even something like 2 cycles a year..i wouldnt consider abuse. Moderation is the key.
steroid add. is when you buy juice with your last few dollars instead of pampers for your illegitmate sons...
going a little off topic but i still find it strange when people claim that steroids are not an addictive drug. maybe not physically such as heroin, but what is not addicting about a substance that makes you stronger, bigger, leaner, faster, gives you stanima, increseas libido and sexual function and in general gives you a sense of well-being. i don't see how it is possible for there not to be a risk of addiction with a substance that can do all that and much more.
Deep South Chris said:
i think steroid addiction is more mental and emotional rather than say a heroin addicts body craving the drug. distorted self image and the possible depression that comes from a crash off a cycle without proper post cycle therapy (pct) makes people want to go back cause they feel to small or weak. maybe im wrong but thats how i view it
I completely agree.

I am addicted to the way I feel while running test and gh. My body actually likes a lower dose of both of those.

However, I think the real answer to this question is when you alter your lifestyle and make significant changes so your life will allow the use of gear. By that, I mean with your woman...with your job..anything of the sort.

I also think a sign of it is when you don't go to the gym as religiously unless you are on. You convince yourself that you are wasting time unless you are on gear. You use gear as the motivation to eat right and train right.

I know several folks like that, and I even fell into that trap for a while.
outlawtas2 said:
I think when you decide to stay on permanently (besides for TRT) you can say your addicted.
I think you are addicted to steroids as soon as building muscle becomes more important then your long term health..cosmetic sides are one thing but liver/heart/endocrine function is another.

I can go to work for the rest of my life. That doesn't mean I am addicted to it. I could even hate it. Nor am I addicted to taking a shower. Or cutting my nails. It's just something you feel you want to do.
Also, when my work is causing health concerns, and I still go to work, it doesn't necesarrily mean I am addicted.
As far as I am concerned, steroid addiction is a pure myth.
I do agree, however, that there is a mental issue for some people. Like wanting to go to work to pay for a boob job. The drive for self-improvement, a better look, or the habit of the lifestyle. I'm not sure that that drive should be called an addiction.
i think that there is no addiction to steroids, if there is any addiction its an addiction to making gains and looking good. Steroids are just another way to help you keep up with that addiction
Well, if you ever start thinking the shit we do every day becomes boring without the roids.
When you the minute you come off start planning the next.
When you prolong the cycles again and again....
lucky6914 said:
Steroids are just another way to help you keep up with that addiction

Damn that's true, I overtrain, even through pain and colds, I know I shoudn't go but I still go...this is off cycle....on cycle I was rarring to go at 3am in the me I'm addicted :D

At the moment my career, relationships suffer because I'm always at the gym or recovering, even my social life sufferers as I refuse to drink...this was all off cycle.
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Swellin said:
However, I think the real answer to this question is when you alter your lifestyle and make significant changes so your life will allow the use of gear. By that, I mean with your woman...with your job..anything of the sort.

Perhaps the closest definition of steroid addiction in this thread...
lucky6914 said:
i think that there is no addiction to steroids, if there is any addiction its an addiction to making gains and looking good.

That's kinda like saying coke is not addictive, but the high from coke is.

We are addicted to the gains, gains that are not attainable through natural training. So we are dependent on steroids to deliver the goods.
With cocaine you just want it. you dont even think of the high so much as you just want the coke. THe last time i used coke was 4 weeks ago and i wanted more for the whole week after i got high. i thought about it a little each day. I have been using steroids for years now, initially small cycles at yearly intervals but this year have stayed on something for 9 monthes, though still low relative doses. I do not crave my next shot nor do i look forward to the next pill. in fact the shots have gotten really fucking old. I keep doing them to produce the desired effect, which is the better physique and higher training volume.
Steroids allow me to live my life at a faster speed and THAT is what im addicted to. stronger, faster, leaner, bigger. higher aggresion which allows me to sell more. higher sex drive is always nice too.
I know it cant be healthy but now i feel like if i come all the way off(not testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) like right now) ill be a shadow of my current self. There lies the addiction...
Warmachine said:
With cocaine you just want it. you dont even think of the high so much as you just want the coke. THe last time i used coke was 4 weeks ago and i wanted more for the whole week after i got high. i thought about it a little each day. I have been using steroids for years now, initially small cycles at yearly intervals but this year have stayed on something for 9 monthes, though still low relative doses. I do not crave my next shot nor do i look forward to the next pill. in fact the shots have gotten really fucking old. I keep doing them to produce the desired effect, which is the better physique and higher training volume.
Steroids allow me to live my life at a faster speed and THAT is what im addicted to. stronger, faster, leaner, bigger. higher aggresion which allows me to sell more. higher sex drive is always nice too.
I know it cant be healthy but now i feel like if i come all the way off(not testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) like right now) ill be a shadow of my current self. There lies the addiction...

I think this thread says it all - perfect!