deflection techniques


New member
Every so often, someone will ask (usually half kidding) how I gained my size - or even directly if I used steroids. Do you guys have any tried and true techniques for satisfying or deflecting their curiosity?
I just say no, and tell them its called working out and eating. If they are anybody other than my wife (which she knows) or a close friend, they better not push the issue.
Education is almost always the answer, give them a good link that establishes the widespread use of performance enhancing drugs that permeate sports, cultures, and film.
But doesn't that implicitly admit use? I am less interested in educating the masses (although they could definitely use it) and more interested in solid, convincing denial ha!

Education is almost always the answer, give them a good link that establishes the widespread use of performance enhancing drugs that permeate sports, cultures, and film.
I tell them I eat small children. My emotionless face usually instills fear in them and they don't ask me anything else.
Nobody needs to ask me lol.. most people know if they have half a brain. I do get asked a lot by new comers though. I just tell them the truth. It makes me sick when people lie about their use unless they're trying to get sponsored or already are sponsored...
Nobody needs to ask me lol.. most people know if they have half a brain. I do get asked a lot by new comers though. I just tell them the truth. It makes me sick when people lie about their use unless they're trying to get sponsored or already are sponsored...

I keep it quiet because I don't need my dorm room searched because some ass hole rads me out. I'd rather not fall victim to a ton of felony charges.

I better get that condom full of post cycle therapy (pct) ready to sick up my ass for prison..
To people who don't know anything I say creatine. To people that know all to well I say I've been eating my Broccoli ;)
felony charges for steroids? Wtf?

Yeah, they're illegal. Unless your using prohormones, then go hard and tell everyone.

I just say I'm on a training program, most people who go to the gym aren't on one, they just do whatever in the gym, like the hundred guys I see in the gym that "just" deadlift every day.