Denkall Test 400

Same thing

Ok, Mr. Hulk....I have the same thing. I am running it with Equipoise. I have only did one shot yesterday on the leg. It didnt hurt that bad going in but today it hurts like a mother fu**er. I read your post and debated taking it back to my guy who's a professional lifter. However, the more I google the more I read it's some IP brand out of China that's just capitalizing on the Denkall name. I have the same exact bottle. Have you found anything else out? Is it working for you? I was thinking about getting it tested by some lab geek at the local college. I have two cycles of this shit and really would love to be reassured if you know what I mean.
Ok, Mr. Hulk....I have the same thing. I am running it with Equipoise. I have only did one shot yesterday on the leg. It didnt hurt that bad going in but today it hurts like a mother fu**er. I read your post and debated taking it back to my guy who's a professional lifter. However, the more I google the more I read it's some IP brand out of China that's just capitalizing on the Denkall name. I have the same exact bottle. Have you found anything else out? Is it working for you? I was thinking about getting it tested by some lab geek at the local college. I have two cycles of this shit and really would love to be reassured if you know what I mean.

I'm on week 4 now. Just did my 4th injection on monday (doing 1 shot a week). I am def a little bit bigger and stronger, but it's hard to tell if that was just good ol' fashion lifting and eating properly. Since Test usually will hit someone about the 4th week as I'm in, I'll really know within a couple weeks if this stuff is legit. So far I'm thinking yes. Like I said this a low dose cycle I'm doing (400mg/week/10weeks) so I won't be having the expectations or results like some of these guys cycling for 3 months on 3 different types of roids. Another factor I think is legit is I'm def getting a lil acne on my upper back and shoulders and I think I have slight testicular atrophy. I am happy about the sides though because I want to know if this shit is legit.

I started my first cycle with British Dragon EQ (IP) and Denkall 400 (IP) and its real...6 weeks in and my test levels are 1200...I started at 522, so it works...I have the exact same bottle, same dates everything..comes form Mexico but originally from China...From what I understand they sneak this shit across the border. I could be wrong but I get my gear from a professional body builder who runs same stuff plus Anavar.
keep it updated have the same exact vial.

Deek, or some other veteran board member, would you say run it? I just got a 25ml bottle of this too. He also had trenabol depot with british dragon label. I have pics in another thread. Should I take this back and get the trenabol or just run this?
This stuff is floating around my neck of the woods also I had a bottle and got rid of it after I researched it and found that It was better to use a trusted source I also saw two other bottles a friend had same label 25ml its a big selling point apparently to newbs b/c they figure they will get two cycles out of it. If its real then I guess that is a good value I wasn't willing to risk it knowing I had another out :)
I'm currently on this too, havings gains but I am very curious about how it tests out. I am sure it's no where near 400mgs. Did the one guy ever get the lab geek to hook him up?
yeah, I actually just got a bottle myself.. I will be starting this weekend so I'll let you guys know as well... I never mind being the guinea pig... If I don't reply soon, I might be dead :-0
yeah, I actually just got a bottle myself.. I will be starting this weekend so I'll let you guys know as well... I never mind being the guinea pig... If I don't reply soon, I might be dead :-0

Starting this in a week or so, I'll also keep an update here.

I just started my first week with the same vial. First pin last night was in my right glute and was a success until I woke up this morning with an aching lower back. Didn't know if any of you had expereinced that. Also how have your runs with this been?
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Is Denkall price is $130.00 ? Not sure if i got the updated rate,its pretty impressive that they exported those to Mexico. Is that also available international ? I guess that will be more suited for men's health.
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I just started my first week with the same vial. First pin last night was in my right glute and was a success until I woke up this morning with an aching lower back. Didn't know if any of you had expereinced that. Also how have your runs with this been?

How did your cycle end up?
How were the injections? I just came across the same vial and was thinking about running a 2cc per week for 12 weeks. Good gains overall? Any information would be greatly appreciated. Thank you
I just got a bottle of the exact test 400. I was wondering how your cycle went? Is the stuff legit? Did you just do 1ml a week if so how long? And what pct did you use?