DES MGF cycle


New member
Im planning on running a 4wk des + mgf cycle during my pct and possibly for 4wks during my upcoming cycle. I was wondering how this protocol sounded to you guys as I have come across a lot of different info on igf and mgf.
Planning on dosing DES 100mcg bilaterally preworkout into muscles to be trained. Will immiediatley drink a prework shake with carbs and protein.
Will Dose the MGF @ 200mcg post workout bilaterally at same des inject site.

I have read that using igf and mgf on the same days is no good and mgf should be used on off days. but was wondering since its not peg mgf and im using des not lr3 if using them pre and post workout would be cool. Not using during off days either.
Thanks in advance
i'm wondering over some of the same things. i just listened to an interview on superhumanradio with russianstar about peps. what caught my ear most was the combination of doing des during workout days and then doing mgf pegylated on non workout days as recovery. since i like to work only a specific group of muscles per day i don't have too many down days so mgf pegylated isn't the way to go. the mgf from what he said of what i can remember competes for the same receptor sites as the igf. des is supposed to be so short acting as 3 to 5 maybe 7 minutes. i can't remember what the acting time he said mgf was supposed to be but i remember or think i do that he said non-pegylated mgf lasts for seven hours. his reccomendation was for using the combo in a three on one day off cycle from his experience. i was wondering if doing des while i workout and then doing mgf pegylated after would be good enough that i could do that combo three days on and take a day off them both. i don't want to waste the mgf though if its going to be competing with the des or be cancelled out. maybe three days of des with mgf peg on my day off. i'm also not sure about the effect of trying to mix peps with your cycle. you might be wasting the pep money doing it during cycle. someone else with more knowledge needs to chime in. too bad we can't snap our fingers and summon russianstar and datbtrue. anyways check out that interview its in the second hour. i've been listening to it over a few times now.
I have seen recommendation of the exact protocol you have! Make sure you don't eat anything for about 20 min after the mgf inject, this can render it useless. I say go for it bro. I've never done the mgf but I can just about guarantee that you will love the DES.
not eating after a workout?

hows that a good idea? your body needs sugars to replenish glycogen into the muscles doesn't it? to rebuild the muscles you need material. i thought that was one of the main factors of mgf was its ability to repair the muscle. sincerely clueless in key west. i think you might be confusing mgf with an hgh frag peptide. hgh shots you should have an empty stomach for a time from what i'm reading. i thought i heard russianstar in that interview say that using the igf on cycle can be a waste because your igf was already so high from the gear. you'll have to search up on that more. i thought i saw a post in my google searching of someone spot injecting des while on cycle though for lagging areas though. the best thing it seems to do in the end is to do your research. your going to see a whole bunch of opinions and ideas floating around but sift through them all and make a decision as to what seems the best for you. as if you probably didn't already know that.
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Any carbs at all will render the mgf useless. Hopefully User will chime in and fully explain it scientifically but I'm positive I've read this over and over. You're only waiting 20 min. Then you pound whatever food you feel like.

About IGF being useless on cycle... Yea that is bullshit. An HGH cycle will bring IGF levels way up and adding more IGF will only help it. On an AAS cycle it is only going to amplify your gains. Trust me I'm taking DES right now and it is working wonders.
hard2gain thanks for the insight bro. Im gonna shoot the Des right before my workout (5-10 min) then hit the MGF as fast as I can after. I will take your advice and hold off on eating for 20min after MGF pin. Whats your thoughts on gettin some peg mgf for my off days? I have read hittin lr3 or peg mgf on off days is good?