Dessicated Liver Tabs?


Desperate Bodybuilder
These (Liver tabs) were big back in the 60's/70's...Did they work? Help build muscle or just another crude source of protien/aminos with the technology they had at the time? Anyone have any info on this?... :scratchhe :help:
Reptilicus said:
just another crude source of protien/aminos with the technology they had at the time?

Bingo. There is no reason to take them with what we have available to us currently.
i currently take 10 tabs a day...i love em..they help with protien intake and are a great source for B-vitamins and minerals...but as Aboot said they are not a neccessity.


Container Size: 500 Tablets
Serving Size: 2 Tablets
Servings Per Container: 250

Amount Per Serving:

Calories: 14
Protein: 3.2 g
Thiamine: 80 mcg
Riboflavin: 800 mcg
Niacin: 4 mg
Vitmain B6: 160 mcg
Folic Acid: 104 mcg
Vitmain B12: 48 mcg
Biotin: 20 mcg
Para-Aminobenzoic Acid: 52 mcg
Choline: 160 mg
Inositol: 28 mg

Typical Amino Acid Profile
(Per 100g of Liver):
Arginine: 2000 mg
Leucine: 5800 mg
Isoleucine: 2800 mg
Valine: 4500 mg
Lysine: 3600 mg
Histidine: 1800 mg
Tryptophan: 80 mg
Methionine: 2100 mg
Threonine: 3200 mg
Phenylalanine: 2900 mg
Tyrosine: 1700 mg
Cysteine: 1500 mg
Serine: 2300 mg
Glutamic Acid: 5100 mg
Aspartic Acid: 2100 mg
Glycine: 3600 mg
Alanine: 6100 mg
Proline: 110 mg

Uni-Liver is freed of fat, water and connective tissue, then quickly frozen to -18?C. Because of the low temperature used in processing, Uni-Liver retains the biochemical spirit of the original organ. One of the most nutritious supplements, Uni-Liver is high in protein and rich in vitamins A, D, K, and E; the entire B-complex, vitamin C, iron, copper, zinc, chromium, selenium, cobalt, molybdenum, magnesium, manganese, potassium, phosphorus and calcium.

and something about Heme iron...
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adidamps2 said:
i currently take 10 tabs a day...i love em..they help with protien intake and are a great source for B-vitamins and minerals...but as Aboot said they are not a neccessity.
I can see the usefullness to "fortify" certain meals with protien, (especially in my case where I'm often forced to eat a "bad" meal during work :baby: )...a fistfull of DL and a bowl of hot chicken Ramen :yumyum: ...The added protien might offset the insulin spike from the carbs for example, or am I wrong on this theory? :dunno: Thoughts?...
how are you forced to eat bad at work?
and i am not sure about the off setting of insulin spiking? i would think there are better choices/alternatives that ramen noodles.
Reptilicus said:
The added protien might offset the insulin spike from the carbs for example, or am I wrong on this theory? :dunno: Thoughts?...

Using supplements to make up for less then ideal meals throughout the day is no way to go. I would try and plan ahead and have better meals instead of relying on liver tablets. Meanwhile, they would do little to nothing in terms of stunting an insulin spike from a poor meal.
Seriously guys, not to be a whiner :baby: , but sometimes this happens in my line of work (without givin' too much away)...For example, last week I had to respond to an emergency situation where I was unable to eat for nearly 8 hours and did not even have time to grab my "go bag" where I keep containers of aminos/BCAA's and my water jug...I started carrying these because they require no refrigeration and will often take a fistfull rather than eat the donuts/danish crap which usually turns up when people want to "help", (and I have to take enough lip from co-workers for turning that stuff down, I'm the "health nut" everyone wants to corrupt, since I'm not buff enough to be accused of usin' roids' yet :wink2: ) a bowl of ramen is a relatively "good" meal under these circumstances...nonetheless, I eat pretty clean and gulp down my shakes, but meal frequency is a problem, which is where I came up with the idea of extra amino feedings hoping to stay as anabolic as possible, hence the original query about the dessicated liver...
i'm gonna guess either EMS or PO-PO..however you are gonna have to do what you have to do. but there are other options out there, you just have to find them. even 7-11 has stuff worth eating in it if you look hard enough. nuts and other non-spoiling food is were it is gonna be at for you. i know its hard to do with a job like that, but if Ronnie Coleman could pull it off i'm sure you can do it
I still rely on the old staples of hardcore bodybuilding: liver tabs, amino acids, protein powders (milk and egg). Yeah, I've also used newer supplements like glutamine and creatine and both have worked well for me. You can't go wrong with 10 grams of creatine, 20 grams of glutamine and 2 grams of BCAAs per day.

Now many of you probably think you're too good for liver tabs, but let me tell you something. Liver is very high in utilizable protein (80% by weight). Unlike processed protein powders, liver has tons of natural nutrients including aminos, nucleic acids, key vitamins and minerals such as the entire B vitamins, folic acid, selenium, phosphorous, zinc, copper, cobalt, molybdenum, magnesium, manganese, potassium, chromium, iron, vitamins A, C, D, K, E, and more. And yeah, it all comes in a form that your body can use quickly and efficiently. You will not believe the difference liver will make on your training.