Diagnosed with A-Fib in 2nd week of test e 300


New member
Today would have been week 3. I was also on hexadrone.

I token probably my 3rd sip of a frozen daiquiri and got some brain freeze. Immediately after that, I felt my heart beating irregularly. Being a former EMT, I knew it was a-fib..

Not happy about this.

What do y'all think about PCT for my 2 week cycle? You can only imagine the scolding I've taken from the Dr here...
lol... that sucks man..

was the a-fib confirmed via ekg??

though you are only 2 weeks in, youll still need pct..

wait 2 weeks and run 50mg clomid ed for 4 weeks.. you should recover fine
I had A-Fib last summer too but it was caused by the T3 giving me extreme Hyperthyroidism

To get it from test is just weird. You sure your caffeine intake wasn't too high(like taking too much pre-workouts/sipping on energy drinks)?

I am not buying that you got it from test. And of course the doctors will blame the steroids for the cause. Mine did the same thing until I revealed i was taking T3 and then afterwards the bloodwork confirmed that, then he shifted the blame from steroids to T3
I had A-Fib last summer too but it was caused by the T3 giving me extreme Hyperthyroidism

To get it from test is just weird. You sure your caffeine intake wasn't too high(like taking too much pre-workouts/sipping on energy drinks)?

I am not buying that you got it from test. And of course the doctors will blame the steroids for the cause. Mine did the same thing until I revealed i was taking T3 and then afterwards the bloodwork confirmed that, then he shifted the blame from steroids to T3

The cardiologist finally stopped by. He doubts it was from the test, so that's comforting. Yeah, I take my preworkout every morning. Shit, now I'm afraid of coffee!! Lol
The cardiologist finally stopped by. He doubts it was from the test, so that's comforting. Yeah, I take my preworkout every morning. Shit, now I'm afraid of coffee!! Lol

Fuck pre-workout. These companies that make that crap try to stay competitive with each other by packing it with as much shit as they can to get you jacked up. Some literally make you feel like you're on cocaine. When I played college ball, pre-workouts and energy drinks were banned, and if any coaches saw you drinking them, you would be kicked out for the day..............and it did not matter if it was gameday and you were a NFL bound star, you would get the boot. Places like Russia, energy drinks are banned. They are just overall bad for you. Not to mention they make you dependent on them in order for you to have any bit of energy.

The fact that you've already had A-Fib is a sign you need to drop it. Just my opinion

For my go to energy I just drink pure green tea(80mg of caffeine per serving). I have it in raw powder form. It does not give you an insane rush like pre-workout but it also won't screw up your heart.
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Ghost.... what brand green tea you using?
No source talk please :) lol, would like to know what brand tea you use as well :)

awww cmon Milton, let this one slide. This company ONLY has tea. No Kratom or anything that would be considered as "competition" to the board sponsors(which I love them all and buy product from 3 sponsors from here).

And I am not a rep of this company, nor do I own stock in it or have a friend that owns it or is working there.

Here is where I buy my green tea:

I like them because you can buy the tea in raw powder form. No additives(except sugar but you can get it without sugar as well) so you know you getting pure tea.
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Add to the green tea 4g of l-arginine and 6mg of Cialis for insane, heart friendly pumps at the gym. when I started this my blood pressure dropped so much the doc had to reduce my bp meds. This was while on my first cycle of 750 test.
OK, so I've been talking to my neighbor across the street. She's not a cardiologist, but she works with them & is very knowledgeable in the field. She knows my full background. She's thinking the preworkouts is what triggered the afib. She says the test MAY have elevated my bp, & the added stims just put it over the top. She has heard of people drinking ice cold drinks & it triggering afib as well.

She thinks I could go back on the test, but maybe at a lower dose. I was taking 600mg a week. She said drop down to 300. I don't think that would do much for me.. She even offered me her androgel. She has a ton of those bottles laying around that she doesn't use.. Lol. Very cool lady. She even told me to come over if I wanted her to pin my glutes. She's got some $80k heart monitor machine that she's going to hook me up to. I think she called it a balloon pump. In the meantime, she gave me her Garmin heart rate monitor just to see where I'm at throughout the day.

Anyway, today was supposed to be my 2nd pin of my 3rd week.. What do you guys think of me starting back up on Monday? I don't have any alcohol swabs to start this morning. I'm anxious to get back on this, as I was already seeing the stuff kick in rather quickly.
OK, so I've been talking to my neighbor across the street. She's not a cardiologist, but she works with them & is very knowledgeable in the field. She knows my full background. She's thinking the preworkouts is what triggered the afib. She says the test MAY have elevated my bp, & the added stims just put it over the top. She has heard of people drinking ice cold drinks & it triggering afib as well.

She thinks I could go back on the test, but maybe at a lower dose. I was taking 600mg a week. She said drop down to 300. I don't think that would do much for me.. She even offered me her androgel. She has a ton of those bottles laying around that she doesn't use.. Lol. Very cool lady. She even told me to come over if I wanted her to pin my glutes. She's got some $80k heart monitor machine that she's going to hook me up to. I think she called it a balloon pump. In the meantime, she gave me her Garmin heart rate monitor just to see where I'm at throughout the day.

Anyway, today was supposed to be my 2nd pin of my 3rd week.. What do you guys think of me starting back up on Monday? I don't have any alcohol swabs to start this morning. I'm anxious to get back on this, as I was already seeing the stuff kick in rather quickly.

Sounds like you need to marry this chick!
Lol, she's got quite a few years on me. And she's a nut!! Lol. Cool lady though. She ran the Ironman once or twice.