Did I Just make a rookie mistake?


New member
I ordered Liquid Clomi from RUI. The bottle it comes in is only 70ml/35 mg. Now I was planning on dosing it at 50mg EDx 4 weeks. Well this bottle dosen't even have 50mg in it! Did I just waste $40? Or do you dose different when it is in liquid form? Plus I see on the bottle it says not for human consumption.... What is going on???
Wait, never mind.... I figured it out..... There is 70ml in the bottle and 35mg of clomi per ml. So in order to dose 50mg per day I need to take 1.45ml per day.... Right?
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lol, you always have to love the brain fart moments. We all do it mate. That dose seems about right, you should be gtg.
hahahahaha....i do it all the time too man....i recieved mine from rui yesterday too. wow that was fast, i ordered thursday!
Yeah it's just not very obvious to a new guy like me. Maybe they should put out like a dosing chart with it or something. But I guess they assume that if you are ordering Clomi, you know what you are doing. And to think, I was once a math major in college.