Maybe 30mg / day with nothing else....I was trying to stay strong within a weight class.......Never the fuck, I'll do 250mg of Sust. and stay relatively lean, strong, and constantly horney and hard as a frickin rock. I have no noticable side effects either. 250 mg done split into 2 shots. Not enough Sustanon (sust) to aromatise, so you stay lean, and if you have some patience ( because we all want it now in this day and age ) the size and strenght will come. Additionally, I think becaused that you are not " shocking " your system with mega doses, the weight and strenght stays. When I go off, I fall to 235 from 240. And, my fricking cock still stays hard!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh by the way, I was about 190 before roids and I'm 33 years old and started juice when I was 30.
Had them after a cycle which included deca. Had to double my post cycle therapy (pct) for twice as long to get the interest back. Now my cocks as hard as a rock and willing to hammer any wet pussy day or night.
I've only run test and have used Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) throughout and ran nolva for post cycle therapy (pct) for 4 weeks each of three times. No problems yet, pray.
I am three weeks into post cycle therapy (pct) and I don't have the slightest interest in sex. And I can't sleep. I will probably run this post cycle therapy (pct) twice.
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