Dieselbolan Stack Review/Critique


New member
hi, wanted to know if i can get some help while on this cycle. i plan on taking the dieselboaln stack from mrsupps.com. i have read that some other things can/might be used to help you with your post cycle therapy (pct). this is what i plan on running

Dieselbolan Weeks 1-4
Forged Bromo 1-4
Forma Stanzol 4-8
Forged liver support 4-8
Forged post cycle therapy (pct) 4-8
HcGenerate 1-8

i also plan on running a natural decent test booster with the post cycle therapy (pct). So im asking is it okay that i run 3 test during the post cycle therapy (pct)?
Also recently i have been trying to lean out. So my diet now is 5 meals a day 3 big and 2 small. Small meals usually consist of either meal replacement or chicken. As for the big meals i usually just measure it with my hands EX: protein would be 2 open hand fulls/ carbs 1 closed fist full/ and 1 hand full of veggies. Since i have been doing this i also run everyday for 20 mins trying to just cut off some body fat. Someone suggested me this stack to get the results that i am looking for. Lean up get rid of the extra fat, all of my fat i am trying to lose is on my lower stomach, ot exaclty sure about bodyfat but im satisfied with everything else. Also if you can suggest me a good natural test for the post cycle therapy (pct). Also if u can tell me how i should change my diet possibly 85% of it contains chicken, rice, potatoes. Help would be appreciated thanks

22yrs old
weight 195
I Have done 1 cycle prior (spawn) bad idea i know.
lifting for about 4 years
Last edited:
Dieselbolan Weeks 1-4

Forged liver support 1-4
Forged PCT 4-8
HcGenerate 4-8

leave the Forged Bromo and Forma Stanzol for another day
bromo would be over kill and forma your only need if you are prone to gyno or want to keep your water weight down,