New member
Alright guys, so im gonna be startin my first cycle soon already got post cycle therapy (pct) planned out and everything, just making sure ill be able to reach my goals with the diet im on now.
For my cycle ill be injecting 300mg of
test e 2x weekly. So heres my diet mon-fri
(always 100% commited to this diet, i never eat anything that isnt part of it)
Meal one (6:30 am): 1 egg, 4 eggwhites, 3 pieces of whole wheat toast, 10oz skim milk with 1.5 tbs. of olive oil, and one scoop of whey protein
Meal two (9:00 am): 3/4 of my HOMEMADE WEIGHTGAIN SHAKE, consists of 2 cups of skim milk, 2.5 scoops of whey protein, 1.5 cups of 100% natural whole grain quaker 1 minutes oats, and 1.5 tbs. of olive oil totaling out at 1110 calories in all (i drink 3/4 or it at a time so over 800 cals.)
Meal three (11:00 am): 3/4 of my HOMEMADE WEIGHTGAIN SHAKE (over 800 cals)
Meal four (1:00 pm): 1/2 of my HOMEMADE WEIGHTGAIN SHAKE (555 cals0
Meal five pre-workout(3:00 pm): 4 oz grilled chicken, whole wheat pasta w/1.5 tbs. olive oil
Meal six post-workout(6:00 pm): either 8oz of chicken breast, or 10oz of NY strip, whole wheat pasta w/ 1.5 tbs.
Meal seven (8:30 pm): either 8oz of chicken breast, or 10oz of NY strip, whole wheat pasta w/ 1.5 tbs.
Meal eight bedtime (10:00 pm): casein protein shake, 16oz skim milk, 2 scoops of casein (over 400 cals total)
Sat. and Sun. diet: same as monday through friday except i get up 2hrs. later so it cuts off one meal a day and the weight gain shakes are replaced with the whole food meals that i eat in my weekday diet
Alright, so now for my current stats:
Height: 5'11"
Age: 23
Weight: 207 this morning
BF: 10-11%
Bench max for 3 reps: 235
Squat max for 3 reps: 305
Training experience: almost 6 years
Post post cycle therapy (pct) Goals (meaning what i keep after post cycle therapy (pct))
BF: Same or hopefully not too much more than what i began with
Bench Max for 3 reps: 270
Squat Max for 3 reps: 355
So now to answer my question, are these goals attainable with my diet, spot on training, and rest? How would you critique my diet, and sorry but i cant replace the weightgain shakes with whole meals im sorry but im a college student and that would be impossible for me to do but anything other than that please feel free to say.
For my cycle ill be injecting 300mg of
test e 2x weekly. So heres my diet mon-fri
(always 100% commited to this diet, i never eat anything that isnt part of it)
Meal one (6:30 am): 1 egg, 4 eggwhites, 3 pieces of whole wheat toast, 10oz skim milk with 1.5 tbs. of olive oil, and one scoop of whey protein
Meal two (9:00 am): 3/4 of my HOMEMADE WEIGHTGAIN SHAKE, consists of 2 cups of skim milk, 2.5 scoops of whey protein, 1.5 cups of 100% natural whole grain quaker 1 minutes oats, and 1.5 tbs. of olive oil totaling out at 1110 calories in all (i drink 3/4 or it at a time so over 800 cals.)
Meal three (11:00 am): 3/4 of my HOMEMADE WEIGHTGAIN SHAKE (over 800 cals)
Meal four (1:00 pm): 1/2 of my HOMEMADE WEIGHTGAIN SHAKE (555 cals0
Meal five pre-workout(3:00 pm): 4 oz grilled chicken, whole wheat pasta w/1.5 tbs. olive oil
Meal six post-workout(6:00 pm): either 8oz of chicken breast, or 10oz of NY strip, whole wheat pasta w/ 1.5 tbs.
Meal seven (8:30 pm): either 8oz of chicken breast, or 10oz of NY strip, whole wheat pasta w/ 1.5 tbs.
Meal eight bedtime (10:00 pm): casein protein shake, 16oz skim milk, 2 scoops of casein (over 400 cals total)
Sat. and Sun. diet: same as monday through friday except i get up 2hrs. later so it cuts off one meal a day and the weight gain shakes are replaced with the whole food meals that i eat in my weekday diet
Alright, so now for my current stats:
Height: 5'11"
Age: 23
Weight: 207 this morning
BF: 10-11%
Bench max for 3 reps: 235
Squat max for 3 reps: 305
Training experience: almost 6 years
Post post cycle therapy (pct) Goals (meaning what i keep after post cycle therapy (pct))
BF: Same or hopefully not too much more than what i began with
Bench Max for 3 reps: 270
Squat Max for 3 reps: 355
So now to answer my question, are these goals attainable with my diet, spot on training, and rest? How would you critique my diet, and sorry but i cant replace the weightgain shakes with whole meals im sorry but im a college student and that would be impossible for me to do but anything other than that please feel free to say.