Diet and Tren! Help me!! 3J GTFIH! :)


New member
Currently cutting on mast p/test a. Using a carb cycling protocol. Maintenance is 3400cals I am eating 3,000.

I decided I am going to throw tren in around week 5 @50mg ed and was wondering if I should change my diet. I have heard there is no reason to eat at a defecit while on tren and low carb will do no good.

My goal is to get down to 8% bf. I attached a couple pics. I am probably around 12% or so right now.

Only been training for 11 months. 6ft 220lbs.

What should my diet be like when I do throw tren in?

Thanks guys!
You've only been training for 11 months and you are running steroids? To make matters worse, you're running tren? Come on bro, you don't need steroids for the first few years, you should gain fine naturally.
You look really good in my opinion. Keep up the good complex carbs and omega fats. Remember to get a lot of lean protein from chicken breasts and talapia or other kinds of fish. I would suggest if you are going to run tren, to use tren E. Then you don't have to inject quite as often. Hope that helps!
You look really good in my opinion. Keep up the good complex carbs and omega fats. Remember to get a lot of lean protein from chicken breasts and talapia or other kinds of fish. I would suggest if you are going to run tren, to use tren E. Then you don't have to inject quite as often. Hope that helps!

Thanks for the kind words!

I have got the diet basics down. Just want to know specifically what works best for tren. I decided to go with a high carb/high protein/ low fat since I have heard that is what works best with tren.
You've been training or juicing for 11 month? looking like that after 11 month of training is FUKING NUTS, MY MIND IS BLOWN..
How in the fucking hell did you get so big with 11 month of training? How many cycles have you ran so far?

To answer your question go with a high carb, low fat.
You've been training or juicing for 11 month? looking like that after 11 month of training is FUKING NUTS, MY MIND IS BLOWN..
How in the fucking hell did you get so big with 11 month of training? How many cycles have you ran so far?

To answer your question go with a high carb, low fat.

Overall training my man! Picked up a weight for the first time May 10th, 2012. Never looked back!
Have ran one cycle of test only. Now cutting with test/mast/tren. LOVE IT!

And thanks for the answer!
Sounds like you covered your areas. Tren should work well for you. You'll have to keep me posted on your progress! and like I said, you look like your progress has done very well thus far :-)
Sounds like you covered your areas. Tren should work well for you. You'll have to keep me posted on your progress! and like I said, you look like your progress has done very well thus far :-)

Appreciate it man! I will post some pics in here in a week or so. But my god tren is amazing. I am cutting bf like it is nothing. Probably already close to 9% or so and I have 9 more weeks to go!