diet help for extremely fast metabolism/hard gainer type

C Murda

New member
Ok so I am planning my 2nd cycle of test E I don't use any other stacks just strictly test and. Last cycle with the diet I was on I only gained about 15lbs. I ran 500mg a week and co.sumed twice my weight in protein. I'm not looking to be lean as I already am, I'm also naturally cut/defined. I want to bulk up. My ultimate goal is to get past 200lbs. I'm 160 currently. I know I may have to do a few more cycles and honestly I don't mind how many I have to do just would like to make near 200 by next summer. Anyone got any pointers as for what my diet should be? Would prefer tips from people with my same "hard gainer" problem as really only they woul# know how to break past having an extremely fast metabolism but ill take any tips I can get!

Previous cycle 500mg a week 4000-5000 calories and twice my weight in protein.
I work a very physical job and also a lot of OT so its hard to constantly eat or even avoid fast food..
prepare your food ahead of time and you CAN avoid fast foods, if you have to eat out, there are restaurants that sell chicken/steak/fish and veggies. if you want to gain 40lbs of lean body mass in a year, I recommend not worrying about your body fat so much and just eat clean foods but you'll need carbs and lots of them. at 160lbs I can't believe that you are anywhere near your natural potential, but you might want to make your goals more realistic, I don't know many who can put on 40lbs of lean muscle mass in a year even with top quality gear.

If you work a very physical job, it seems like this is even more of a reason to consume more calories

Eggs, chicken, lean steak, fish
oatmeal, yams, potatoes, rice
broccoli, green beans, spinach, etc...

The diet section has lots of good info
Avoid fast food, it's possible. Like travelling lifter said, avoiding fast food is easier if your prepare your meals. Add in olive oil, also find stuff to snack on, dates, nuts, anything decent. Also, go look up recipes for high calorie protein shakes. Yogurt, peanut butter, protein powder, banana, skim milk is what I like to do. Great way to get tons of calories, you can get 1000 calories in a shake if you want, plus really quick to make.