DIET Help, ON CYCLE, Diabetic.


New member
Ok, preparing for a go round with Test E, Dbol, and Proviron.

I am a type 1 diabetic.

Got my routine, and cycle in check, however, the most IMPORTANT part (DIET) I am skill trying to figure out.

Being a diabetic, means everytime I eat a carb, I WILL need insulin. So, I am wondering, IF I eat 6 meals a day, should I incorporate CARBS into all of them? Or would that be bad and cause fat storage since I will have so many insulin injections? Also, rule of thumb I here most prequently is 1.5-2 grams of protein per pound of body weight, however, is there a rule for carbs as well?

I will be TRYING to bulk, but obvioulsy CLEAN AS POSSIBLE.
what is your normal protocol.. dont u inject after every meal anyways?
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what is your normal protocol.. dont u inject after every meal anyways?

Well, yes, but thats because I generally have CARBS with everymeal. I was wondering If I would benefit from only having carbs like 3 of my 6 meals. Proobably like when I wake up, pre and post workout?

Trying to bulk. Will be aiming for 300g of Protein, 3000 cals. Carbs still to be decided...