Diet help please?


New member
I just realized I've been following a bad diet which basically comprised of:

Breakfast: Fruits/salad
Lunch: One wheat tortilla and veggies
Post workout: Whey Isolate protein shake(with cold water)
Dinner: Cornflakes and oats

I take one cheat day in a week.

I started working out only six months back, I used to weigh 141 lbs and now I weigh 119 lbs and my height is 5'3". I've stopped loosing weight since past one and half months. Could you please help me with my diet chart? I'm honestly in a fix.
I just realized I've been following a bad diet which basically comprised of:

Breakfast: Fruits/salad
Lunch: One wheat tortilla and veggies
Post workout: Whey Isolate protein shake(with cold water)
Dinner: Cornflakes and oats

I take one cheat day in a week.

I started working out only six months back, I used to weigh 141 lbs and now I weigh 119 lbs and my height is 5'3". I've stopped loosing weight since past one and half months. Could you please help me with my diet chart? I'm honestly in a fix.

Replied to your other thread where u posted your diet...

If you where losing weight with the above diet is mostly because u probably restricted your calories dramatically when u started this diet, so you do lose weight (and sometimes FAST), on a very low calorie diet. The problem is, you will only lose in the beginning. In the long term, you set yourself up for a slower metabolism, u hit a fat loss plateau..

Your body will adapt to the low calories & reacts by "conserving" & cannibalizing your own muscle tissue.. pretty much goes into starvation mode..
Many times I see the "skinny fat" person who eats very, very little & isn't necessarly overweight, but has a high BF %.

Post your stats (including your age) so we can better advise u..