Diet help


New member

This is actually a 2 part post. One part for a friend. and one part for me.

Part 1

Friend 5' 8" 190 Lbs mildy active although wants to start getting active. He goes to the gym twice a week currently.

Ive got his body fat at roughly 22%-25%

Ive got his BMR at 1769 and TDEE 2432 based on a factor of 1.375.

What would be the correct caloric intake/macros for a cutting diet?

How do you use the BMR/TDEE to determine caloric/macros?

Part 2

I spoke previously about switching up my diet. As I been going hard on this one for almost 2 months and while I am accustomed to the food now. I would like the option of maybe going a month on keto. The thought of high protein low carb appeals to me a little bit.

Im ready to start a clean bulk. Would keto be a bad idea? also if i were to run a keto what would i want my macros to look like?

What is carb cycling? is it something i should consider? Im not a huge carb guy, but the thought of eating pasta once in a while is a nice thought LOL.

As always thanks for the awesome insight. Ive ;learned alot here and trying to apply it the best i can.

This is actually a 2 part post. One part for a friend. and one part for me.

Part 1

Friend 5' 8" 190 Lbs mildy active although wants to start getting active. He goes to the gym twice a week currently.

Ive got his body fat at roughly 22%-25%

Ive got his BMR at 1769 and TDEE 2432 based on a factor of 1.375.

What would be the correct caloric intake/macros for a cutting diet?

How do you use the BMR/TDEE to determine caloric/macros?

Part 2

I spoke previously about switching up my diet. As I been going hard on this one for almost 2 months and while I am accustomed to the food now. I would like the option of maybe going a month on keto. The thought of high protein low carb appeals to me a little bit.

Im ready to start a clean bulk. Would keto be a bad idea? also if i were to run a keto what would i want my macros to look like?

What is carb cycling? is it something i should consider? Im not a huge carb guy, but the thought of eating pasta once in a while is a nice thought LOL.

As always thanks for the awesome insight. Ive ;learned alot here and trying to apply it the best i can.

Part 2:
Look into the palumbo diet. Sue you can find it with a seach. It will answer all your questions. Works great for me and many others. Just make sure you take in the moderate amount of essential fats needed and you can actually gain muscle while dieting.
Part 2:
Look into the palumbo diet. Sue you can find it with a seach. It will answer all your questions. Works great for me and many others. Just make sure you take in the moderate amount of essential fats needed and you can actually gain muscle while dieting.

Ill look into lartinos thanks for the response!

I did a search on carb cycling and i found a pretty informative writeup on It basically explained a high carb day, low carb day and a no carb day. It gave some parameters for how many and what kind of carbs. Is this what you are referring to when you say carb cycling?

Also, is there any guideline or formula you use to determine caloric/macro intake based on bmr/tdee? or is it trial and error based on your previous experience?
OK i give up on the friend lol, how do you guys deal with people who say im just gonna starve myself. I know ill lose weight. Man ive tried and tried and tried to talk sense into this dude but he just doesnt get it. Ive finally decided to just say thats great i hope it works for you.

I know its hard to get past that hurdle that you actually need to eat 5 or 6 times a day and still be able to lose weight because i was in that same mindset but ill be damned if it doesnt work and work well.

I did a search on carb cycling and i found a pretty informative writeup on It basically explained a high carb day, low carb day and a no carb day. It gave some parameters for how many and what kind of carbs. Is this what you are referring to when you say carb cycling?

Also, is there any guideline or formula you use to determine caloric/macro intake based on bmr/tdee? or is it trial and error based on your previous experience?

the formula that i use for bmr/tdee gets me around where your body needs to be.. its gonna be trial and error after that..

though my numbers have proven to be accurate... based on metabolism of course..

there are diff ways you can carb cycle.. u have to choose one and stick with it..

i dont like doing a no carb day with carb cycles.. i like to go high and low..

i personally do a modified carb cycle i came up with.. which is very advanced..
if your gonna bulk.. just eat a standard amount of food a day with a 40/40/20 split.. thats best..

u can carb cycle for a bulk though.. its really up to you
It fundamentally clarified a high carb day, reduced carb day and a no carb day. It provided some parameters for how numerous and what kind of carbs. Is this what you are mentioning to when you state carb cycling?
It fundamentally clarified a high carb day, reduced carb day and a no carb day. It provided some parameters for how numerous and what kind of carbs. Is this what you are mentioning to when you state carb cycling?

nope.. there are diff types of carb cycling.. carb cycling simply means a manipulation of carbs and fats on a regular short interval...