Diet, pics, workout , and cycle... Feedbacks please!


New member
Hey everyone..
So I posted something similiar couple weeks ago, but now I just started my cycle(im starting my Aromatase inhibitor (AI) 2 says before my test), so ill keep posting everything on this thread about my cycle and I would appreciate any feedback from you guys!
So here I go, ill try to make short as possible!

Age 22
About 15-20%( not sure there is a pic)

Goals: gain lean muscles as much as I can...

Diet:(I wanted to post all the meals but I feel like you guys going to hate me)
460g carb
104g fat
270g protein

Wk1-12 @ 500mg/wk (2x a week /Tuesday and sat)
Wk1-14 Aramidex @ .5(eod)
Pct Wk14-18 or 14 days after my last pin
Nolva @ (40:40:20:20)
Clomid @ (50:50:50:50)

usually I work out 1:10 and 20 mins of cardio or abyss
Monday- chest, triceps (abyss )
Tuesdays- back, biceps ( cardio)
Wed- legs , traps
Thursday- triceps, chest(cardio)
Friday- biceps, back ( low abyss)
Sat and Sunday rest

Pics: trying to figure out how to post it!!
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your back is very underdeveloped compared to our front. Seems like your mostly doing core? what about legs?
Am i the only one that thinks 3700 cals is waaay to much for someone who weighs 188

Great that you pointed out.. I really wanted some feedback on it.. I was wondering with this diet would be gaining too much fat?and what would be a good diet on your opinion? I had couple feedbacks for some nutrition websites.
And they had different conclusions. Maybe somebody with more experience would help me.

5 days is plenty to hit every muscle. You don't need chest and back twice use that day to do shoulders
I think your cycle is pretty text book and you should get good results. You definetely need to train shoulders, though. Incorporate traps on shoulder day cause you'll hit traps when doing presses and lateral raises as well. And if you're not doing them already, start doing bent over rows for back and it will grow!
@hog I agree with you 5 days should be plenty. But I'm thinking about to include shoulder on wed, and maybe Friday.
@mag~ it's my first cycle, im trying not to go to crazy on it. I just added bent over on my sets. It's been a month. It's a great exercise. I'm hoping good results from it.
No its not as long as you stay active + while on a cycle you need those cal

I disagree, a better technique is to ramp up calories 100-150 more a week as you go. Jumping straight into 3700 cals is not going to be any more beneficial. If anyrhing, he will gain more fat, and have a lighter wallet...
180g protein ed
250g carbs ed
100g fat ed


2620 cals total to start.

Add in 10-20g of prot more ed for each new week
Add in 10-20g of carbs more ed for each new week

This is a more logical aproach, try it out, you wont be disapointed.
I been putting an extra work on the back lately... Hoping to see some results. And legs soon as I get off from work ill post a pic.

if your not worried about getting fat and dont have a tought time cuttin weight than smash on just watch cholesterol and do some cardio and hit them delts dude
180g protein ed
250g carbs ed
100g fat ed


2620 cals total to start.

Add in 10-20g of prot more ed for each new week
Add in 10-20g of carbs more ed for each new week

This is a more logical aproach, try it out, you wont be disapointed.

Honestly it seems a perfect diet... I'm just wondering about the first 3 weeks, bc at 2620 if I'm not wrong I would be "cutting". But by the third week which is when the test start to kick in I would be inputting 2930 which seems logical.. and ( it wouldn't be too much protein intake by the end of the cycle?

Really liked your diet plan....

Sorry about my English skills..
if your not worried about getting fat and dont have a tought time cuttin weight than smash on just watch cholesterol and do some cardio and hit them delts dude

I never cut in my life... I used to be skinny (160's something like that, not sure ) like a year ago so I'm not sure if I would be able to cut. Of course on the road ill have to cut, but I don't have any experience on it yet.