Diet/Workout with 3J


New member
This is going to be my log to track my gains.
I'm 20 years old 5'10" and I'm using a diet and workout program by 3J to try to reach 175 within the next 2 months. The first measurements were taking before going to the gym regularly and I started the diet and gym routine on 12/8 with and no gear until after the measurements were taken for 12/12.

Measurements 12/5

Weight 152.6 lbs
Neck 15"
Chest 35 3/8"
Stomach at belly button 35 3/8"
Waist line 33 1/8"
Biceps with arms extended out to side 12"
Thighs 20 2/4
Calves 13 1/2
Forearm 10 3/4

Measurements 12/12

Weight 155 lbs
Neck 15 1/4"
Chest 36 1/8"
Stomach at belly button 31 1/4"
Waist line 33"
Biceps with arms extended out to side 12 1/2"
Thighs 21"
Calves 13 1/2"
Forearm 11"
First shot

Took my first shot today, since I started the diet/workout by 3J. I did 1cc 200mg/ml test c and 1 cc of 200mg/ml nan deca. Hope to see some gains soon. Does anyone know how ofter I should inject that much? I'm pretty sure the half-like of test c and nan deca are about a week, so I should only have to inject once a week right?
Why wouldn't you have your cycle all figured out before injecting? Long esters like cyp and deca need to be pinned twice a week like Monday and Thursday, how about your Aromatase inhibitor (AI), what's your cycle plans, pct, ,etc
2 week cycle and PCT

Why wouldn't you have your cycle all figured out before injecting? Long esters like cyp and deca need to be pinned twice a week like Monday and Thursday, how about your Aromatase inhibitor (AI), what's your cycle plans, pct, ,etc

I stopped toward the end of a cycle and quit because of lack of time with school and funds. That's what I usually do (mon and thurs), but I was confused on the dose bacause of what I read about the half-life or them. I have my PCT on the way, I've already bought it, but I had stopped the cycle and then was advised to finish the cycle, and PCT with clomid and nolvadex and it's about 2 cc's left of each that I'm going to do in one week, not including the one I took today. I was wondering if I could stretch them out a little bit to wean off of the cycle.. im not an expert, that's why I'm cusious which one would help the most.
I was doing 5 week cycles, I was on it for 3 weeks and stopped cold turkey because or work and school. I was off for about 2 weeks and picked back up on 12/13 and finished the last bit of my gear yesterday. I'm about to post pics from 12/5 and pics and measurements and pics from today. I've been busy with school and work lately so I've been slacking a little on the measurements and pics lately, but I'm done with school for a few weeks and I've got some time off, so no more slacking.

Also, I've been trying to go with the diet from 3J Nutrition that he gave me, but it's expensive to eat right and eat that much. I have gained much weight, even though I've been working out and eating a lot. I think it's because I have a high metabolism. Anyone got any ideas of how to slow down my metabolism? Supplements are welcome lol
Pics 12/5

Hope you can see a difference between these and the ones I took on 12/22, cause I'm not sure that I can..
Measurements/Pics 12-22

Height 5' 11''
Weight 155 lbs
Neck 15 1/2"
Chest 36 1/2"
Stomach at belly button 31 7/8"
Waist line (where your pants sit when worn properly) 33 3/4"
Biceps with arms extended out to side 12 1/2"
Thighs 21 1/8"
Calves 13 5/8"
Forearm 3 inches from elbow 11 1/4"
on the front view of your new photo compared to the older one your looking like there could be a bit more muscle mass around your chest area.

you got to stick to the diet though, diet is main priority if that means buying no gear to be able to pay for your food bill, then don't, because it dosent matter what gear you take without a correct diet in place you won't get to be a lean 175lbs anytime soon.