Difference's in anabol,dianabol,bionabol,pronabol


New member
Ok I know these subtances all contain methandienone my question is why are these all titled something else. The reason I ask is My source carries all of these and he has bionabol 5m tablets cheaper than the rest who makes these and are they any good. Another thing is to start a new thread is there an easier way to do it than go to someone elses and click new thread I don't see any new thread starter icons here http://www.steroidology.com/forum/forumdisplay/f-7.html. Thanks for feedback.
Yah I figured that out shortly after I posted I just didn't want to add another reply to my stupid story haha. So has anyone heard of bioanbol 5mg 40 tablets balkanpharma methandienone. I want to get some but haven't heard any feedback yet thanks.
They are good,used to come in glass bottles but now come in blister packs,gonna use some in my next bulk cycle
Usual Dbol gains,blew up within about 10 days and strength shot.Felt like i normally do on the Thai pinks,Tired,no appetite ect.....but worth it to kick start a cycle off