Different Biceps Training idea

do it.

then come back in a few months and suprise us on how it was a complete waste of time.
inked1 said:
soreness doesn't mean shit. i could do a 100 reps of some bullshit lightweight squats, and I would be pumped as fuck after the workout and probably have some bad arse DOMS the next day.

but I would get much bet growth and strength from doing some heavy arse low rep shit

exactly soreness or lack of is not indicative of growth..people use sorenss as a guage because its something tangible rather than using the amunt of weight and/or reps or volume..

i like the fact that you are thinking about your training and looking for new ideas its better than being stuck in a ru and doing the same ol thing week in and week out
PowerBuilder said:
I believe that biceps can be worked much more frequently than once a week.
It is well known that different muscles can recover at different speeds and respond to differnet types of training. I've been having problems with my biceps and am starting this routine:

I bought some 45 lb dumbells and some elastic bands so I can do a little working out at home. Im going to try doing 2-3 sets of 10-12 reps every other day. I believe that defferent muscles recover at different speeds, for example, calves and abs can be done every day. I think that biceps might respond best to every other day workouts. Im thinking about doing dumbell curls like this every other day in addition to my 2 major once a week workouts:


Legs/Lowerback/Lats (lats could be on a bicep day, unless I do only pullovers)

I'd just like to experiment a little with something different. Maybe I can build up some decent size bis while I work on my strength for my major lifts.

I agree...currently trian bi's twice a week....every once in a while 3 times. 10sets of 20.
matty2412 said:
I agree...currently trian bi's twice a week....every once in a while 3 times. 10sets of 20.

while your training may work for you it WONT work for 99% of the people who want to gain size/strength..

ive been around gyms my whole life and there are always the "biceps boys club"there doing their bis 3 x week and shit and yet they no size
inked1 said:
soreness doesn't mean shit. i could do a 100 reps of some bullshit lightweight squats, and I would be pumped as fuck after the workout and probably have some bad arse DOMS the next day.

but I would get much bet growth and strength from doing some heavy arse low rep shit

perhaps i should explain a little more. first, until very recently, i basically never trained biceps directly. and when i say never, i mean that prior to about 2 months ago, i hadn't done a curl in about 4 years. despite that, my arms are around 20 inches. (admittedly, i'm 18% bf, so some size comes from that.) my point is, i am not preaching that you need to be in the "biceps club," as someone phrased it, to have good arm development. what i am saying, is that from experience, if I wanted to maximally attack my bicep development, i believe EOD is what would offer me the most results. and to clarify, i'm not just basing this on soreness. i'm basing it on the fact that 48 hours after a heavy bicep workout that leaves me incapable of washing my neck in the shower, my biceps are back to full strength. i have no other muscle for which that holds true.