Different colors in my Fina Batches


New member
I used Big mike's recipie on my first batch of finaplix-H. I started just before I got the recipie and had crushed the pellets. I probablely lost a pellets worth by doing that. Nevertheless. I did everything else as instructed using two very thin coffee filiters from my first 4g kit, and my two cartridges, then put it throught the Whatman. I cooked it at 275 degrees for 45 minutes, my oven was a little high(275). My results have been great and I love the after taste. It turned out a bright piss yellow golden color. I have my second batch in the oven and followed the same recipe except I didn't crush the pellets and didn't get the fina as hot on the stove top during the boiling water step. My first batch was also clear as a bell. I currently have the second batch in the oven(now calibrated), at 250 degrees for 45 minutes, but from the looks of it, it looks to be clear, but a little darker. My first kit came with two cheap coffee filters and my second batch didn't come with any even though I ordered from the the same kit company"researchkits.com" They have changed the kit just a bit.So I used a thicker filter I had of my own this time and those small differences are it. Does the color determine much (a little darker or a little lighter). Does that equate to stronger or weaker? I used the same kits, but may have wasted just a pellet on the first batch.
P.S. How long is a homebrew mixed batch good for if kept in the ideal conditions?
I had the same thing happen.Made one batch with a T-belt and it came outgolden piss colored. Made a second with finaplix and it is the colo of whiskey. They both have the same kick though. It seems the T-belts are a little cleaner for some reason.