Different Exercises That People Dont Typically Do That Have Been Effective For You

I've been doing a rear delt exercise and it's really brought my rear delts out. It's kinda hard to explain but you stand facing the low pulley and grip it and kinda pull backwards w/ your elbow leading the way.
Deads= dead back.

I speak from experience, the rewards you get from deads do not outweigh the risks. You are asking for disc trouble. You can get a good back workout with such machines like lat pull downs, T-bar rows, and pullups.

Everyone will argue, but I will send you a card someday after your surgery. I already had mine.

Oh, and i used good form and a belt, it is just a dumb excercise.
... i disagree. deadlift is one of the most beneficial lifts in the book IMO. oh and guys, dont bench because the bar could crush you.. and you could have ribcage problems... =/ any lift is dangerous...

Try dumbell pullovers on both an incline bench and a decline bench

Or cable rows using a rope

dumbell uprightrows is another cool exercise

as per deadlifts try doing those as a ful deadlift standing on a box becomes kind of a hyprid deadlift squat move and kicks the shit out of the hamstrings and glutes among other things