Difficult situation...


New member
Hey guys, posted this in another forum but didn't get any replies - thought this section might be more appropriate.

Anyway, ill re-post:

Hey guys,

New here, but really need some help ASAP, so any would be much appreciated.

Basically, after being on finasteride for hair loss for roughly 6 months, I noticed symptoms of gyno, including swelling of the right breast in particular; puffy nipples; as well as just a general bloatedness.

Now, finasteride caused me no sexual problems - the gyno I think is due to a less than normal susceptibility to estrogen rises OR perhaps it merely caused my estrogen levels to spike.

Anyway, after having been off fin for about 3-4 weeks, the problem hasn't really solved itself. At the moment, it's not TOO bad, in the sense that it doesn't look like ive got 'boobs' when I have a top on for example, but rather decent sized pecks - however, I'd really like to do something about the problem while I still can. Ok, for some questions:

If I had to guess, I'd say I first noticed the symptoms about 6-7 weeks ago - first of all, is this too long ago?

Secondly - I was thinking of trying an AI; however, I don't like the thought of 2.5mg Letro, both due to the sexual sides as well as the general health effects and loss of gains from working out. Basically, what is the minimum dose of letro one can take without risking sides, whilst still potentially alleviating all or some of the gyno?

Thirdly, is it worth trying Arimidex as a safer option?

Also, it would be interesting to see whether having stopped taking the finasteride, where my estrogen levels are at. If they're still to go down, could the current 'swelling' be alleviated by using a mild estrogen inhibitor?

Any help would be so very appreciated, as this is a rough time for me. Thanks guys.