Dissolving fina?


New member
Is it o.k. to leave pellets in dissolving solution for two days. Is there a time that would be considered too long and cause damage to results?

some rocket scientist came up with that one. it was the same guy who said BA would sterilize anything. nearly put the filter people out of business if i recall.
i have never made liquid fina before but i am very interested in it. question, when you convert it, does it take like a oil-type consistancy or more like a water-type consistancy. and also, do you use the same size/gauge needles when injecting fina as you would with other gear, say test?
it can be made with either water or oil as the carrier. flows fine thru a 25g pin, slin pin if you like.
Blackbelt2047 said:
are both water based and oil based just as good as each other or is one better than the other?

Good question. Water based IM suspensions have been used for non esterfied hormones. I would think that oil based would be the better route for the acetate ester, providing a depot for the hormone to reside in until it fully absorbs. I would think that you would get more crystalization of the hormone with the water-based suspesion.

Thing is, you don't have water based test esters, or water based nandrolone esters with which to compare to the oild based.

PB? shed some light on this. Are you saying you can have tren acetate as a water based suspesnion, or solution?

some esters are water solable. some prop esters as well as some acetate esters if memory serves. i'll do a bit more research on this and post a list. with the right solvents they will hold in solution or some will hold in suspension. no biggy either way. Tp and TA can both go to water.

the more carbon atoms present the more oil soluable it becomes and the less water soluable it becomes. and we know that the more carbo atoms which are present the longer the ester is. i believe enan is 7 carbons while acetate is 2 and cyp is 8. prop is 3 i beleive.

The number of carbons also has a small effect in that it reduces the parent drug’s proportion of the total weight. E.g., it would take 344 mg of testosterone propionate, or 401 mg of testosterone enanthate to give the same amount of testosterone as in 288 mg of testosterone suspension.

but with the longer esters higher concentrations are possible with no pain and better soluablility.

here's a bit of trivia we discussed on her once apon a time. the question was whether or not Winstrol (winny) could be esterfied? i found this in some studies.

"While there are a number of interesting oral steroids that, at first glance, would be appealing candidates for making esters, in fact there are very good reasons why no such products are available. Indeed, there are absolutely no 17-alkylated steroid esters on the market.

First, they would be difficult to synthesize. The 17-methyl group which works to block liver enzymes from reacting with the steroid molecule will also hinder the material one would use to make the ester from reacting with the steroid.

More seriously, there is the fact that a 17-methyl would also block enzymes in the body from hydrolyzing (removing) the ester, which would be necessary to yield the active steroid.

So I do not expect that you will ever see esters of Winstrol, Dianabol, or any 17-alkylated steroid on the market, and don’t recommend that anyone try making them. They would probably be inactive, or if they have any activity, it would be very low".

now with short esters, as we all know, more fequen tIMs are required to keep blood levels concistant. PP is one that needs daily injects for you NPP fans. acetate, propr are eod or ed. cyp, enan, decan, unde, laurate are best 2 times per week.

do some esters cause more sides? i say no.its the hormone/parent drug that causes the sides. 1g/w of prop wil cause the same sides as 1g/w enan. very close anyway. the only time i have ever experienced anything to differ from this was sus @ 2 amps per day with 200mg/d tren. i was freakin swole. now bear in m ind no anti e's on this mini cycle and it showed. test is test.

okay fellas i hope this was way off topic as most of my posts are. but for the newbies who are jes starting in home brewing this will shed some light on the role esters play in Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) usage.

this includes you gymphreek. enjoy those daily injects of NPP.
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i updated the post above ida.

i can not answer the question you asked cause i have never tried it. i know a guy or two who has but i didnt ask about pain factor. next time i talk to one of them i'l ask though. aight kimosabi?
to be honest, i do not know....@dam posted the pic in the convo forum and i fell in love with em.....you like?
haha is that why you have been so nice lately?
To be honest, you arent the first to ask me this...ive gotten a couple PM's asking about who this is.....:D