Ditching my EPI and going for SARM, have a few questions.


New member
Hey guys/gals, new user but have been reading the forums for awhile.

Iv'e been hitting the gym for several years all natural and about 6 months ago decided to explore other avenues. After doing much research I decided to pick up a bottle of EPI2a3a from vital labs. It's been sitting in my closet for about 6 months now unopened lol. As tempting as it was the risk of liver damage albeit small was too much of a concern and will no longer be taking it. Over the last few weeks I have been reading about a SARM called LGD-4033 which does not pose a threat to my liver and after much reading have decided to go that route.
I'm aware it will likely shut me down which will require a PCT but all I hear about is clomid or nolva. Neither one of these is OTC and I wouldn't know how to obtain them so not sure if it's an option for me at this point.

What are reliable sources for LGD-4033, what would be considered a good price?

I'm 6ft 195lbs. I would like to clean bulk and reduce body fat if possible.
Well I can't tell you where to get samrs for human consumption....but if you're looking for high quality sarms for research purposes sarmssearch.com has been around since the beginning of the sarms era and has maintained a good rep since. I have experience with their products over the years along with many others and wouldn't recommend anyone but them for your sarms needs.
If you do buy SARMs for research purposes, make sure you use the code FORUM30 to get 30% off your purchase at SarmsSearch.
Like both of the others said, Sarmsearch is the way to go. Remember, you get what you pay for. As for OTC PCT - nothing over the counter will replace actual serms. Google is your friend. They can be found all over the place and they're quite affordable as well.

Continue w/ the research. You're on the right track.