Hey guys/gals, new user but have been reading the forums for awhile.
Iv'e been hitting the gym for several years all natural and about 6 months ago decided to explore other avenues. After doing much research I decided to pick up a bottle of EPI2a3a from vital labs. It's been sitting in my closet for about 6 months now unopened lol. As tempting as it was the risk of liver damage albeit small was too much of a concern and will no longer be taking it. Over the last few weeks I have been reading about a SARM called LGD-4033 which does not pose a threat to my liver and after much reading have decided to go that route.
I'm aware it will likely shut me down which will require a PCT but all I hear about is clomid or nolva. Neither one of these is OTC and I wouldn't know how to obtain them so not sure if it's an option for me at this point.
What are reliable sources for LGD-4033, what would be considered a good price?
I'm 6ft 195lbs. I would like to clean bulk and reduce body fat if possible.
Iv'e been hitting the gym for several years all natural and about 6 months ago decided to explore other avenues. After doing much research I decided to pick up a bottle of EPI2a3a from vital labs. It's been sitting in my closet for about 6 months now unopened lol. As tempting as it was the risk of liver damage albeit small was too much of a concern and will no longer be taking it. Over the last few weeks I have been reading about a SARM called LGD-4033 which does not pose a threat to my liver and after much reading have decided to go that route.
I'm aware it will likely shut me down which will require a PCT but all I hear about is clomid or nolva. Neither one of these is OTC and I wouldn't know how to obtain them so not sure if it's an option for me at this point.
What are reliable sources for LGD-4033, what would be considered a good price?
I'm 6ft 195lbs. I would like to clean bulk and reduce body fat if possible.