diuretic help

i am currently training for my first mma fight and my height is 6'0 and my weight is at 200-203 from day to day. i am already very lean and i belive to make the weight of 185 i might have to use a diuretic. please give me any knowledge you guys have on diuretics and what adjustments i can make to my diet. my fight is oct 21 and i have plenty of time to get to 185 i just have noticed my weight is staying the same for the last two weeks.
current diet
400g protein
40g efa
Get your weight down through eating and training and when your close I will help you with what you should do.

Taking a diuretic for a competition like MMA is not the smartest thing IMO, the last thing you want is to be dehydrated.

Plus 2 1/2 months is plenty of time to lose 10 - 15 lbs. And just with simple water manipulation you'll make weight.
how many calories a day do you think i should be eating to cut fat and water without sacrificing to much mucsle. i am currently runinng 300mg of tren a week also.