
rookie03 said:
Why do people use DNP? I understand overly obese people... but why normal 16% bf guys?

You may as well ask 'why do people use steroids?'

DNP helps you shed a lot of weight in a short period of time... so it's pretty clear why it would be attractive to people.
Tried t3, that was cool, but I wanted to see If I could do better with something else.

Tried clen, that was cool, but I wanted to see If I could do better with something else.

Tried DNP and my dreams came true.
rookie03 said:
Why do people use DNP? I understand overly obese people... but why normal 16% bf guys?

Because they're too lazy to increase cardio and lack the discipline to follow a strict diet...

Fat people have always pissed me off, lazy fucks....
DNP sheds an staggering amount of fat in a short period of time, aswell as SPARING muscle... AT THE SAME TIME! This unique combination of properties makes it VERY appealing to bodybuilders.

Its however harsh in its sideffects, unexpected allergic reactions which could lead to anaphylactic shock, increased core bodytemperature which could lead to death if it goes above 108degrees, increased sweating resulting in dehydration, electrolyte imbalance which could lead to cardiac arrest muscle spasm etc, general state of uncomfort due to lethargy and heat, insomnia as a result of sweating at night etc.

Bottom line is, its great in its effects but even greater in its sideffects, most top bodybuilders only use it when they get down to 6% BF to shed that last 1-2% before a competition. To take DNP at +25% BF is just insane and lazy thinking.
Hey i wasnt being ignorant like WHY TAKE IT? i was just curious why people that only have a little bit of bf take it...i thought it would make you lose muscle as well as fat...but if it primarily loses fat than thats fuckin awsome!

who said that DNP (di nitro phenol) spare your muscle.
I think that gear+DNP spare muscle , DNP alone will make you disappear?
gilreuven said:
who said that DNP (di nitro phenol) spare your muscle.
I think that gear+DNP spare muscle , DNP alone will make you disappear?
not true...when on dnp the energy is gathered from carbs+fats, so its protein sparing...but threw carb depletion and low cals, u can lose strength/muscle...
dose dependent

fred9 said:
not true...when on dnp the energy is gathered from carbs+fats, so its protein sparing...but threw carb depletion and low cals, u can lose strength/muscle...

DNP makes your mitochondria work harder but ATP isnt created.
the body has its own way of making energy from protein.
so its the same as running a few hours a day .
if your not on gear muscle will disappear as well as fat.
but gear makes your body to use fat and carbs as primary fuel .
and to be honest no one has checked it before