Do any NEW supplements work???


New member
Hi, I've been off the cutting edge of sports supplements for about 3 years now and after this government thing where everything is off the shelves, it seems like there isn't much out there that does anything.

I'm not spending much on supplements right now but I do take:

protein powder, udo's oil, multi, xenadrine (I still have some left) creatine/carb combo after workouts with a couple arginine pills.

I went to visit my friend at his supplement store and he basically said that nothing new has come out that actually works. Anything that did "work" is now off the market.

The last thing I actually tried was T2 from biotest. I sweat like a freakshow when I took em. Can't get em.

I know a lot of people will "swear" things work.

When I was at my friends store he got a call about HMb and the person wanted to buy it because they've been taking it for years and they "swear" it works. Lol. we all know the stuff is crap.

So, with that said, is there anything out there that "works" for the amount you pay? I see a lot of this M1t and pro hormone stuff. I remeber Tibex from biotest as well as a bottle of andro spray. I did buy those a few summers back. I must say after looking at photos of myself, I was bigger back then.

Any takes? Any input? All is appreciated.
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I assume PH is pro hormone and PS is pro Steroid?

Don't these just up the amout of estrogen in your system? If so do you need stuff to counter that?

What brands or what kind?
Stick with the basics, most of the new shit is hipped, but doesn´t works.
Whey proteine, weightgainer, B.C.A.A´s, multivitamines and creatine.
It depends on what you want them to do.

No supplements work like steroids.

The ones below do what they say they do.
actually m1t doesnt aromatize into estrogen, you just need the post cycle therapy (pct) because you have an estrogen rebound after. and m1t is the real shit along with andro