Do any of the thermogenics really help? Or HGH?


New member
Do any of the thermogenics or any thing really help? What about HGH or some of the peptides?

I'm 40 years old have had a poor diet and was 5' 10" tall weighing 250lbs. I cleaned up my diet I'm eating about 1800 calories a day. I was losing weight at a decent pace maybe to quickly. I started lifting weights and doing some cardio. I do a better job not skipping weights then I do with skipping cardio. About a month ago I had blood work done and had low T. So I started testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) at 200mg a week and now 250mg a week. Since I started testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) I have not lost any more weight. I am currently holding at 220lbs for the last 4 weeks. I fill better had made strength gains but I want to lose my beer belly.
My diet is clean, no more drinking, I log everything I eat.

So is there something that actually breaks up the fat and raises your metabolism?