Do any peptides work well with HGH?

A peptide combo works very well with hgh. I've never double up like that but numerous guys have. Shoot The Peptide 30 minutes before the hgh. Piggy back it
Pick a ghrp - ghrh combo just as you would normally. Cjc and ghrp2 is a good choice. Wake up on a empty stomach shot peptides wait 30 minutes shoot hgh then eat. You may choose to add a other peptide shot before a meal that is up to you depending on how many you are taking a day. 6-8 hour after the first hgh shot same routine, before a meal shoot peptides wait 30 minutes shoot hgh then eat. At night before bed shoot peptides on a empty stomach go to sleep. It is a option to wake up 3 hours after sleep and shot more hgh. Next morning repeat all steps. My honest opinions the results don't start with peptides till 4 shots.
Pick a ghrp - ghrh combo just as you would normally. Cjc and ghrp2 is a good choice. Wake up on a empty stomach shot peptides wait 30 minutes shoot hgh then eat. You may choose to add a other peptide shot before a meal that is up to you depending on how many you are taking a day. 6-8 hour after the first hgh shot same routine, before a meal shoot peptides wait 30 minutes shoot hgh then eat. At night before bed shoot peptides on a empty stomach go to sleep. It is a option to wake up 3 hours after sleep and shot more hgh. Next morning repeat all steps. My honest opinions the results don't start with peptides till 4 shots.

Good info, please clarify one detail. 1st thing shoot the peptide upon waking, wait 30 min shoot HGH THEN WAIT 30min , THEN EAT right? So in all I would eat an hour after waking. Cause I though you are supposed to wait 30 min after you do a GH shot.

Also can you do your 1st peptide shot of the day and do a 4iu gh shot 30 min later and then just do the other 2 or 3 peptide shots over the course of the day, only do the GH shot in the a.m.?

I guess the best method of convienence would be to pre load slin pins and keep them in a tupper ware container and keep that in a cooler bag with an ice pack.
Gh is synthetic you're not going to slow the production of it. You should be on a empty stomach for the peptides wait 30 minutes shoot hgh then you can eat. Hgh should be dosed twice a day am and evening. You can shoot peptides in between the hgh shots for greater effectiveness. I went to Walmart and bought a Insulated zipper lunch box and a pack of ice packs.
If I were to run 4 iu per day I would split the dose. 2 iu as soon as I wake 30 min before I eat and then 2 iu right after I work out. At least that is how it has been advised to me.
So the optimal way is to split the dose a.m. & evening. I train in the morning and What about dosing right after my workout? Im thinking since it would be so close to my first dose I shouldnt bother and just wait till evening? When is the best time in the evening? I undersatnad splitting the dose is optimal but there is no harm doing a whole dose first thing a.m. is there? Its just not optimal.

I assume my first meal of the day 30 mins after my GH dose can still have carbs in it as normal but should the amount of carbs be higher or less? Normally I eat 18 to 50 grams of carbs for my first meal, depending on what I have in store for the day.
The reason for splitting gh dose is the life is only 6 hrs. So splitting it optimal for results because you receive 12 hours of gh vs 6. You can eat directly after gh, the 30 minute wait is only for peptides because carbs and fat slow production, you are not producing ssynthetic gh so you can eat it will hurt nothing.
Ok so if my first dose is 5 am then I should take my next dose at 11 am? The second dose would wear off by 6 pm and I go to bed about 9 pm so then I would produce my own GH while I sleep?

Or 1st at 5am and 2nd dose right before bed?

BTW I have decided to not run peps during GH, too much , too soon, but maybe next time.
Running gh by itself man I've seen people shot in the morn and afternoon, just at night. I've seen it done all kinds of ways. I'm about to purchase some gh my self. I will be shooting gh everyday except Monday and Thursday i will shoot peptides on those days. But i will shoot peptides every night before bed to try and maintain some normal production. That's very little peptide use so it shouldn't be expensive. Keep me informed on how yours turns out bro.
Good idea to shoot the peptides at night before bed. So You will split your GH dose right? Are you gonna do a.m. and post workout?? What time do you usually workout?
I plan on waking up shooting 3iu hgh then eat breakfast then go workout. 6 hours later I will dose pep then 30 minutes later 3iu hgh I will eat 6 meals a day that is counting post workout shake and carbs. I will finish the day with my last meal carb and fat free and dosing pep right before bed. On Monday and Thursday i will dose just peptides morning midday and before bed. That'll give me the benefits of synthetic gh and still maintaining some production.
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Bonexyster, I took 2iu before bed last night (930) and 2iu when I woke up (530). Im on the way!

I am tempted to use the peps I have but I think its best to just use GH by itself for now so I know what it is actually doing for me. If I run peps on top of GH I wont know.

Upon more reading I have seen some guys say that they saw no diff between Sub Q inj and IM inj. But I did find some info that said IM is better than Sub Q . The reason why is because Sub Q only 50% of the shot goes direct to the blood stream and the other 50% gets absorbed thru the lymph system where it then trickles out very slowly. Also the second half that does trickle out slowly only 95% of it actually makes it to your blood.

My logic is to shoot IM because if the above is true at least IM is going to deliver a better GH spike. If the above is NOT true then it doesnt matter because the IM inj would be equal to Sub Q so no loss there.
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I intend on taking a second 2iu dose after my a.m. dose.

So the choices are;

pre-workout 1hr after I eat. To prevent catabolic state.(this option may not be so great for me cause I usually train right after breakfast)


post workout with a whey shake then 30 min later eat a meal w/carbs. To prevent a catabolic state


before bed, 1 hr after a high protein meal ( hard boiled eggs, whey shake, peanut butter)

On non training days my options to take GH would be;

My a.m. dose ( this never changes)

then a mid day dose around 1:30 or 2 (i hr after lunch)


before bed.
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That's awesome bro I'm ready to see how it works for ya. I have shot my peps subq for ever a week ago I started I.m. and I think it's literally twice as strong. And i like your idea of waiting to see what the hgh will do first. That way you can adjust your dosage and then add them later. I will probably do that now. I only want to run the hgh during bulk the rest of the time I'm sticking with peps I shoot 4 or 5x so it works excellent for me. And curious what hgh are you running? I was thinking hygen at 4iu or blue tops @ 6iu and uping the dose if i need to then adding peps when I like the dosag. Are you cutting or bulking or just beginning a regiment of hgh?
Im running blue tops. Im also running test/deca on a clean bulk. Im gonna give the gh a good 3 months to see how I like it. If need be I will increase to 5iu. But Im hoping to see some decent returns on 4 iu along with the test/deca.

As far as IM I think that just makes more sense. Unless you do i.v. which would be better but Im not willing on doing that !

Do you think the blues are that week that you have to run it at 6 iu?? Also in your expierence, how soon after you start a GH cycle do you notice its effects??

More on GH: Naturally the human body produces GH at varying times at varying amounts. When we inj it , it is always at the same time for the same amount. This doesnt mimic natural production. I was wondering if it would make a difference in effect if say you dosed 2 iu in the am then 2 iu at night then the next day just 2 iu in the am and then the next day just 4 iu at night. So on and so forth.
If you're bulking all 4iu pw isn't bad or before bed isn't bad. If you'relooking for fat bburning then spread it out. The longer duration it's in the blood the less fat you can abaorb. Hgh inhibits a certain fat hormone. So the longer it's present the better. You can feel it in about 2 weeks. I've been on peptides so it'll be rather quickly for me to see results. Hygen rips and others are usually about 2 2 - 25ng I believe blues are close to about 13-16ng on average. I may try 5 iu then just add peptides if i am getting good results.
I am also going to try and use GH alone for some months and see if I notice anything by itself. I cant wait to try to enhance using peptides but don't we want to try to get GH experience by itself?