Do I really need arimidex for this cycle?


Pale Gorilla
This is my first cycle and it will consist of 600 mg wk test e. So far I am over 3 weeks in and I was having a great time until I started to use an AI(arimidex). I am taking a dosage of .5mg e3d and the back pain, and lethargy are crazy. I will get bloods done on Monday to check this, but I am hearing that these are common symptoms of arimidex. Is an AI truly necessary if I have no high estrogen related symptoms, which I didn't? I started using it after listening to one of the local "experts" saying it was necessary to prevent bitch tits. I am 26 weigh 205 at 5'7" and have been training for about 8 to 9 years with one year off at 22. Have any of you guys had success with similar cycles without the use of an A.I? I know that this is not easy to answer because of how different each person is, but I'm just looking for some wisdom.
Low and high e2 can have alot of the same sides. Blood work will tell you how to adjust your adex. The fact is test will aromatize into e2 and you will probably need yo use adex but without blood work your flying blind
Sucks that I have to wait until Monday, but I noticed that the only symptom the two conditions did not have in common was the joint issues which is my biggest concern. I have lots of arimidex and letrozole on hand so I may just start using if I feel symptoms setting in, which was not the case because I was feeling amazing until I took the adex. Can't wait for this blood work.
If its your first cycle I would only do test, That way its easy to judge exactly how ur body reacts to it. If youre using more than 1 compound u dont know whats causing what. So I wouldnt use AI unless i needed it.

Plus, not everyone gets gyno, you may not even be prone to it.
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If its your first cycle I would only do test, That way its easy to judge exactly how ur body reacts to it. If youre using more than 1 compound u dont know whats causing what. So I wouldnt use AI unless i needed it.

Plus, not everyone gets gyno, you may not even be prone to it.

Siq: what about the other negative side effects caused by high estradiol? Shouldn't one be concerned about them?
Siq doesn't even know what an ai is. He was using nolva and thought that was an ai. Catch up to the times people! This ain't the '80s...
I think there is something to be said for waiting until a few weeks and getting bloodwork done. At least you know where you are without the AI.

I have trouble with low E2 so I may be biased on that. Probably horrible advice for someone who is fat or predisposed to gyno. I def would have crashed my E2 doing what the OP did though.

What ever you do wait until levels are somewhat stable before getting the blood done. I have played the game of chasing E2 around while changing several variables and it just takes longer in the end.

Good luck and let us know what your blood work looks like. I'm betting you crashed your E2 but the test will tell for sure.