Do i start taking steiods?


New member
i am 17 and fairly lean and i don't like how my body never puts on weight or muscle.
Im thinking of taking steriods. is this a good idea? i want to build mass and fast.

any ides?
First off ur 17???? NO bro not at all . Uhave plenty of natty test going thru u right now. That should be ur first answer. Secondly if ur not puting on weight... EAT like a caveman bro. Good protein carbs and believe it or not there is such thing as good fats as well . Whats ur stats. Calorie intake?
um off the top of my head.
weight - 62
hieght - 175cm

like i eat yeah but the fact is that cant exactly afford 6 meals a day or something like that.
between school and work its hard to even workout.
but i try every second day and am currently taking (BSC Nitrovol)
Problem is i lose motivation if i dont see some change in weeks.
Patience and food is what it is going to take. Anything worth having is going to take work and time. Just be patient and eat like crazy. I understand if you say you can't afford to eat 6 meals a day, but then you certainly couldn't afford gear. Get your priorities straight and don't even think about AAS right now.
Using steroids at your age liop could result in alot of issues. Learn to eat and lift properly, get on a school football team, etc get involved physically....

Steroids could mess you up hormonally. Imagine you get a girl and your dick no longer works because you used steroids and bombed your natural test....
Stay away bro, 4 real. Besides, no steroid will even help you if you're not eating a shit ton. Steroids don't build muscle, steroids help turn the food you eat into muscle. So if you're living off ramen noodles and hot dogs, you're screwed. Also, at your age you have nowhere near stopped growing. If you use aas now you will stop growing and yes, your dick wont like you very much anymore. EAT, TRAIN, SLEEP, REPEAT.
is there anytype of steriod that would speed up the process of me putting on weight?
if so what one

Yes there is something that will speed up the process of you putting on weight. And you are old enough to do it to. Its called squats and dead lifts. I bet your workout looks something like this. Bench press, dumbbell bench press, barbell curls, dumbbell curls, calf raises, abs, shake weight.

If you want to put on weight you have to squat and deadlift and do it often. Not only will squats and the dead lift make you big they will make you strong. If i knew i was going to go to jail and i was only allowed to do one exercise to keep me from getting raped, it would be the deadlift.

here is a link to a killer program i used to gain a bunch of weight and get really strong in a short period of time.

FAQ:The Program - Starting Strength Wiki

As far as not being able to eat, check out this recipe, it costs about 30 cents to make one bar.

Makes 5 Bars
- 8 scoops chocolate protein powder*
- 1 cup oatmeal*
- 1/3 cup natural peanut butter*
- 3 tbsp honey*
- 1/2 cup 1% milk*
- 3 tbsp crushed peanuts

1. Mix together the protein powder, oatmeal, peanut butter, honey and milk.*
2. Form into 5 bars and then roll in the crushed peanuts to finish.*
3. Place in the fridge for about 30-45 mins or until solid

Nutritional Facts
(Per Serving - 1 Bar)
Calories: 452*
Protein: 50g*
Carbohydrates: 36g*
Fat: 12g

"step by step video and more recipes here"

YouTube - The BEST Homemade Protein Bar Recipe in the WORLD!

eat natural peanut butter, drink milk, eat oatmeal and you will grow in no time. And if you eat broccoli,cauliflower, spinach and brussel sprouts it will increase the hormone testosterone in you body which is a steroid.