do tren and cypanate cause bitch tits and ED


New member
Hey everyone new to this site I was wondering if tren and cypanate cause bitch tits and Erectile Disfunction Im 47 and want to put size on but I am only going to do it once a week because I am trying to avoid the side effects.
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This is comical....

I dunno about you, but when I saw his age after seeing the title of the thread I was a bit surprised. Lol.
On par for what a 20 something old would ask.
DO MORE RESEARCH. Then we would be MORE than happy to answer your cycle questions or critique your set up cycle.
tren and cypanate cause bitch tits

More info on your stats and cycle history please. Welcome to the community
Hey shovel thanks for the welcome some people are jerks on here. I'm trying to get back to 215 again from a car accident in July. I just want to know if I'm going to get bitch tits from this blend and if so what I can I do to avoid it also with hair loss. I'm new to this stuff and was referred to this blend by a friend. I know i'm older thats why I figured it won't hurt me as much to try steroids now. If this isn't enough info let me know, thanks
At our age, you start dabbling with aas it's a life sentence. Get your levels tested before a cycle. If you're ok with lifetim injection after cycle then go ahead. If you want to do pct afterwards and attempt to get your natty test back/ there's that option.

But if your absolutely not wanted to do trt , I'd hold off. Getting natty back after 45 is an uphill battle.
Hey everyone new to this site I was wondering if tren and cypanate cause bitch tits and Erectile Disfunction Im 47 and want to put size on but I am only going to do it once a week because I am trying to avoid the side effects.

The best way to avoid side effects is to stay as far away from it as possible... Abstinence has been proven to yield unwanted things, in many aspects of life... True story!
read all the stickies (threads stuck up top) of the aas section, it will cover most of the info you need to know.
first cycle use just test only for 12-14 week with an AI. MAYBE with a mild oral like tbol or inject like maste , but deff not tren, not for many cycles, it can be pretty harsh for many.
i dont get much sides and even i avoid it now. good ol test with a little deca and im good.
U will def get "bitch tits" if u plan on running just those two compounds and you wont even see much of a difference in gains due to the fact that u will be pinning once a week.
Google up test "cypionate" and just do a test Only cycle.
Ok man...OP without laughing and not getting on you for the Q's you asked I will have to be blunt and tell you, you don't have any clue as to what you are embarking on. The use of Steroid is a serious thing to do to your body. Now not to scare you AAS (steroids) can be used safely but you need to study up. There is so much more to think about other then Gyno (bitch tits).

So just like pork chop told you read the sticky's , the threads where you first came in to post. There is a host of info that you need to fully know. Good Luck and please read and you will come back with better Q's. Welcome :wavey:

PS: Tren will knock you off your ass with side effects. Do not do Tren first cycle or second I recommend as others do also.
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Hey everyone new to this site I was wondering if tren and cypanate cause bitch tits and Erectile Disfunction Im 47 and want to put size on but I am only going to do it once a week because I am trying to avoid the side effects.

Op the reason people are giving you a hard time and telling you to do more research is because your question really really lacks any knowledge at all with AAS .. here are a few points .

- my 6 year old can find out if a steroid cycle of test cypionate causes gyno or not within five seconds using google search on his iPad .

- you say you want 'less sides' so your only going to 'do it once per week' ,, umm ok then . maybe you meant to say your going to do a mild or lower dose cycle to help limit the side effects ,, that question shows you have no clue how dosages or esters work.. in fact, taking your 'AAS' more often , like eod or several times a week can actually help limit sides because it keeps levels steady and consistent,, where as 'doing it once a week' depending on the ester could be problematic.

- you say that 'being your older now' steroids won't hurt you as much .. wrong. your 47 , running AAS will effect your blood pressure and cause hypertension and it can easily destroy your blood lipid and cholesterol profile ( something a 47 year old should already be concerned with) .. AND , as was already started , it is going to be much much harder for your HPTA to restart and for you to get back to normal again after using the gear (you may develop hypogonadism and never be able to produce enough testosterone naturally)..

those are just some basics you should already know imo