Do you get upset that nobody seems to "get you"?


Don't bother reading this. It's late. I'm tired and it doesn't really make any sense but I don't know how to delete it.

I have a few weird things going on and this might be a rambling post that ends up not making sense. First off do you feel that nobody gets you when it comes to this bodybuilding thing? I don't go to a regular gym. I use a crappy one that is at work, but it's enough to get the job done. But I'm not around many like minded people.

I have one coworker who's so resistive to anything fitness related, he'll take any slight bit of info he reads that says anything negative about fitness people and twist it to fit his argument of why he doesn't work out and why it's bad for me to be doing it. For instance, he read an article on yahoo news about some lady who talked about unhealthy she was from dieting down for contests and told me how unhealthy I was and how bad it was for me to be starving myself. I told him I eat 3000 clean calories a day and went as far as to challenge him to try to eat as much food as I eat. It just went right over his head and he ignored it. Now I did diet down from a fat, flabby 208 to a toned, somewhat muscular 170. I have since gained another 10 lbs and plan to gain a little more. This same person always says he doesn't want to lift weights because he doesn't want to get too big(while making a gesture to his biceps like they would swell right up from one set of curls). He's easy enough to ignore since he has so many chins he looks like the alpha bullfrog.

One of my real psychological problems seems to come from the fact that I have made such a drastic change and nobody, unless I bring up that I work out, ever seems to even acknowledge it. Not even a "hey, did you lose weight?" I'm not big and muscular yet but damn, my head was getting as big and round as a basketball and people can't see a difference? Now maybe this is another psychological problem, but I think I look damn good, and especially if you consider I "only" started lifting again in March after 3 years of doing nothing but eating, drinking, and laying around on the couch.

I'm having a slight problem that maybe you guys can give advice for then I'll stop rambling. I'm on week 2 of an enhanced trt protocol which is 600mg/week test cyp and 500iu hcg/week with an AI. So, I'm stuck at work on Christmas because we had an upset and have to be here. I don't mind really cause the money's good. I actually love my job and oddly, I look forward to coming to work most days. It's a great job and I get to see my "friends". But I'm here with 4 other coworkers for this assignment and it's been a few nights so far and might be one or two more. These whiny little gashes got one call to go do 15 minutes of work(I think we're making about $90/hr right now for reference) and they sat and whined about it forever before going out then came back and continued whining for long enough that I put headphones in to ignore them cause I was on the verge of saying something bad. Lately(the last month or so), I've noticed I'm starting to be more withdrawn at work. I have been limiting my interactions with the coworkers in my shop. After tonight I know it's because I dislike how whiny, lazy, backstabbing, and crap talking they are. I usually laugh everything off and it would be nearly impossible for someone to get me riled up out here, but as I was leaving work yesterday morning at 6am someone was talking crap about and to me and my blood started boiling and I really wanted to hurt him. I know nobody likes to blame the gear but do you think it might be effecting my mood? I'm generally happy and feel great. It just seems to be harder to deal with these trash talking, whiny, backstabbing, coworkers, who I used to consider friends but now try to keep my distance from.
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First, only those that share your passion will "get you". Don't bother trying to educate them or try to give advice unless asked. People get very defensive when they feel inferior, so if you're looking great, and they put on 10lbs over the holidays - expect jealousy. It's human nature, pure and simple.

As far as your "TRT" is concerned, that's a blast/cycle, and should be treated as such. Have you gotten labs yet to check your estradiol? There's a huge difference between 600mg of testosterone and the typical 200mg most guys are on for replacement. My experience has taught me that if I'm feeling angry or complacent, my estradiol is to blame. I'd start there.

Otherwise, just keep work professional and let your actions do the talking. People will be retarded on their own, no need to fuel the flames. ;)

My .02c :)
First, I don't know how, or if, you could actually make any sense of that rambling. Yes it's a blast, I just like referring to it as enhanced trt for fun since it's just larger doses of trt.

I was planning to get bloods in a couple weeks, but I could push it up. My wife remarked that my face looked swollen and puffy.
There are always going to be some people that we work with that are going to spend all their time being unhappy and complaining. Just try to avoid them and be around the positive people. If you can't do that get a good pair of noise canceling headphones.

The other thing to remember is that these people are not your friends. They are just co-workers. You would probably never be friends with most of them if you had met them outside of work. So stop looking for their affirmation.

Why not get a gym membership at someplace a little more serious?
Mostly not joining a gym us an issue of why spend the extra money if I don't have to. And having my gym at work is convenient.

I just sometimes wish I had like minded people I could actually discuss stuff with without the smart ellic jokes and jabs or whatever.

I'm a little weird I think. I might have too positive of a self image, or really vain. I look in the mirror and see how far I've come and am impressed. But sometimes I think I see something that isn't there. I could swear I've added some size in the 3 weeks since changing my workout, but the measurements don't lie. I haven't gained anywhere except my thighs.
Arnold said it best here, ignore the naysayers. Swear I have the exact same situation as you. I have a much larger group of haters than I do a support group.

There's many of different people in this regard just as you've described above. People who are totally against it. People who think they know everything about it and literally are incorrect on every level. People who will make fun of us for simply putting in an effort to be better. People who assume it's so easy, that you aren't progressing fast enough to them, and will say things in all seriousness such as, "you must be doing something wrong", or "you aren't working out good enough".. fucking hate these people. Plus, many other character types that know absolutely nothing and just seem to get in the way.

This is a great topic to talk about I think, as I feel this mass scrutiny on a daily basis. It can be a bitch sometimes to swallow and walk away from.

People will do everything they can to bring you down. And if you start talking about steroids on top of the health and fitness talk, prepare to be ripped apart. People are even worse when "drugs" are brought into the picture. Most can barely grasp the importance of nutrition, and good form in the gym, let alone understand that steroids aren't magic like the media explains.

Do this all for yourself, all I can really say as advice. If you want to prove your big just get big and don't talk about it. People will notice when your neck is as thick as their thigh. Want people to listen to you about working out and eating right? Make that your job. Otherwise, let those sorry fuckers try to keep up with you! The only people who will appreciate my work in the gym as much as I do, is my girlfriend, my parents, and other people who do the same shit everyday.

As a final word, I think we should make a thread that touches on this in particular. It'd be nice to vent about the stupid shit we all have to hear and deal with everyday.
Heres what I think. Do what makes you happy, surround yourself with positive people. Not necessarily like minded, but positive people, people who are about moving forward and achieving things in life. Be a good person. And!!!! Most importantly, BE YOURSELF, and not give a FUCK what anyone else thinks. You need to give a fuck about what YOU think and what makes YOU happy.
You see these guys every day - do not expect them to easily notice the changes you have been slowly making...especially if they are guys. The way to see if the total changes are really noticeable (and they sound like they are) is to go visit a relative you have not seen in 6 months. It has to be someone who has routinely seen the old you. Be prepared for them to notice it. When I visited my daughter last week, the first words out of her mouth (after hi and such) were "wow, you really lost weight. Last time she saw me I was about 30 pounds heavier and with almost no muscle to speak of.
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Kinda of an old thread but....lots of good opinions on here. Good job on cutting from 208 to 170. If that's you in your AVI you look pretty damn good and should be proud of what you've accomplished lately. Just try to ignore haters and be the best you can. We live in a society where its okay to drink a ton, smoke, or just be straight up lazy. Most people you come into contact with don't understand health/bodybuilding and lack the drive to even diet correctly for a few weeks, let alone train hard.

It sucks you used to consider some of these co workers friends. I've lost contact with some of my old friends simply because they lack any type of drive to achieve goals. They got jealous and probably felt threatened maybe like your coworkers? All that matters though is surrounding yourself with positive people and doing the things that make you happy. Be the best you can be whether that means busting ass in the gym, taking on more duties at work, pursuing higher education, or whatever else you wanna be great at. Haters gonna hate, just use that as motivation. Best of luck with your bodybuilding goals!
Not anymore. Those who do not get me are not 'mine'. Now I am pretty happy to mingle with people who have similar interests.
I'm in the same boat but in college. My roommates don't lift or care about lifting at all. When I go to the weight room I see a bunch of overweight dudes (no offense to those of you that are overweight) that eat whatever the heck they want. People always ask me why I eat what I eat and don't go out and gets real old explaining it all the time. I'm just like "idk, this is what I enjoy doing"
to everyone on this thread..

a famous thinker once wrote:

the path of a sheep is wrought with boredom.
the path of the wolf, is filled with loneliness all its days..

"choose one or the other, with great care"

i will say this,

the only thing worse than not fitting in and feeling different, alone and outcast..

would be fitting in and being accepted, being like everyone else

wolves don't care what sheep think, wolves don't move by the whims and quirks of the herd

ill take loneliness with passion and gravity, over apathy and boredom every single time i am given that choice
to everyone on this thread..

a famous thinker once wrote:

the path of a sheep is wrought with boredom.
the path of the wolf, is filled with loneliness all its days..

"choose one or the other, with great care"

i will say this,

the only thing worse than not fitting in and feeling different, alone and outcast..

would be fitting in and being accepted, being like everyone else

wolves don't care what sheep think, wolves don't move by the whims and quirks of the herd

ill take loneliness with passion and gravity, over apathy and boredom every single time i am given that choice

Wow, I'm not often inspired by silly quotes or philosophies, but that one right there is too good to ignore.

It's a daily struggle to have to explain to average people why you can't go out and get hammered friday night because you'd rather eat a good meal and get some rest and recover your muscles. Or explaining why you have to eat so often, or why you can't eat fast foor, or why you choose the gym over social events. It's hell.

But my driving force is my own personal fear of being average. I like standing out in a group of people, I like being noticed. And guess what? Those same people that give you shit, will eventually be looking up to you and asking you how you got to look so good. Now all my friends ask me what my diet and training regimen much i can bench etc.

"The worst thing I can be is the same as everybody else. I hate that." ~Arnold Schwarzenegger
to everyone on this thread..

a famous thinker once wrote:

the path of a sheep is wrought with boredom.
the path of the wolf, is filled with loneliness all its days..

"choose one or the other, with great care"

i will say this,

the only thing worse than not fitting in and feeling different, alone and outcast..

would be fitting in and being accepted, being like everyone else

wolves don't care what sheep think, wolves don't move by the whims and quirks of the herd

ill take loneliness with passion and gravity, over apathy and boredom every single time i am given that choice

This is awesome. Really, reps coming your way :)

I will add.. if you've got a like-minded life partner (friend, bf/gf, battle buddy).. it can be literally the best of both worlds. That loneliness is just not there, and you're both tearing through goals and making the most of each other's lives. It's awesome..

Thanks for the great quote :)
Wow, I'm not often inspired by silly quotes or philosophies, but that one right there is too good to ignore.

It's a daily struggle to have to explain to average people why you can't go out and get hammered friday night because you'd rather eat a good meal and get some rest and recover your muscles. Or explaining why you have to eat so often, or why you can't eat fast foor, or why you choose the gym over social events. It's hell.

But my driving force is my own personal fear of being average. I like standing out in a group of people, I like being noticed. And guess what? Those same people that give you shit, will eventually be looking up to you and asking you how you got to look so good. Now all my friends ask me what my diet and training regimen much i can bench etc.

"The worst thing I can be is the same as everybody else. I hate that." ~Arnold Schwarzenegger

thank your for the kind words..

that pearl from arnold, that is much appreciated

that quote about sheep and wolves, has been something thats really stuck with me all these years

this is something i wrote, in another lifetime..

the most beautiful people you'll ever meet will be naive and trusting..
childlike and simple. they'll be mocked and poorly used by the masses.

all great thinkers, and people of wisdom, they are all very alone..
they are marked as strange or difficult, they'll be ignored and disregarded by the masses

those people who fit in easily, who do not question, who are accepted without trial or tribulation..
they are neither beautiful , great, nor wise. these are, the masses

another famous quote i grew up with stuck in the back of my mind, Bukowski said this..

"all beautiful and wonderful things are lonely"

fucking ay right ..

Bukowski never picked up a pen or wrote down a damn thing until he was 43 years old.

when he did start writing, he was a broken man, and a degenerate drunk..

but he had plenty to say that was worth hearing..
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Those same people that give you shit, will eventually be looking up to you and asking you how you got to look so good. Now all my friends ask me what my diet and training regimen much i can bench etc.

It has already happened to me - and even one of them has started joining me at the gym and has drastically altered his eating habits to be far closer to mine. It really is an interesting thing to watch happen - scoffers turn into followers.