Do YOU have the balls for this work-out???


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TAD’S Super Hi-Intensity Mass Routine

I started lifting weights when I was 14 yrs. old and I am 35 now. I am just getting started back after a very long 11 year absence. When I started lifting I wanted to be Massive as hell. I over trained for 1 1/2 years by following workouts of the top pros in the magazines and soon gave up. I didn’t lose interest though. I kept reading all I could and the whole time I was thinking that I was a “Very Hard Gainer” Finally one day I came across an article by Jeff Everson about over training. Ah... Finally I had my answer! From that day forward I started making big gains. It is true that it is far more beneficial to under-train than to over-train!!!!

From the age of 17 to the age of 19 I never missed a workout! On Friday night my girlfriend sat there and watched as I lifted. If I was sick I worked out! Nothing stopped me! My arms grew from 13 1/2” to 18 1/2”, My chest grew from 37” to 48” and my body weight went from 178# to 235#. My strength increased also. BP: from 165# to 275# for 5 reps...great considering I only used dumbbells for chest work for those 2 yrs.(worked out alone at my personal gym) My strength increased in all my lifts. When I finally joined a gym everyone was shocked that I was so strong on all exercises.

Straight Bar Curls (Strict): 185x8
Lat Pull downs: 280x8
Bent Rows: 315x6
Behind the Neck Press: 245x6
Incline Dumbbell Press: 130 dumbbells x 6

For 2 years of working out alone I made massive gains. Unfortunately soon after I got married (19 yrs. old) I became a slacker and only lifted occasionally. I was able to have a few pretty good runs of lifting up until I was 25. During that time I switched from bodybuilding to a Power/Bodybuilding type of workout much like the one used by Ken Lain. I entered a few Bench Press meets and a few Push and Pull meets. At my last Bench meet I finally was able to break 500#. The best I have done on the deadlift was when I was 24 and I pulled 635# in a meet but 6 months I was able to pull 675# in the gym for a triple. The biggest reason for the increase was that in the meet I had already completed my bench and my first deadlift attempt was about 75# to heavy. And also I had switched to a Sumo stance.

Well enough about the past. That was 10 yrs. ago and this is now. Lets get down to business.

I have trained several people over the years some were new to the game and some had been in the iron sport for some time. Some were bodybuilders, some power lifters and there was even a couple of fighters. They all made tremendous gains while on this routine.

This workout is not intended for a beginner. It is intended for an intermediate to advanced lifter. You should follow this routine for 5-8 weeks and allow at least 8 weeks of lower intensity workouts before you resume this routine. It is very important that you listen to your body. If you follow this routine to a tee it is very intense! THIS ROUTINE IS NOT FOR PUSSIES!!!

While on this routine it is very important that you eat well, consume plenty of “Quality” protein and get a lot of rest. I suggest that you take Dorian Yates Approved Pro Peptide Before, during and after the work out. Mix the suggested serving size with 24 oz. of water and start sipping it about 20 min. before the workout and continue through the workout. I also recommend that you eat 3-4 small meals through out the day and drink 2-3 quality protein shakes with one about 90 min. before the work out and another at night. Also drink lots of water through out the day.

Monday: Chest, Shoulders and Triceps

Low Incline Fly-n-Presses: 3-4 sets

Upright Row-n-Presses: 2-3 sets

Tricep Extension-n-Presses: 1-2 sets

Tricep Press-down Drop Set: 1 set

Wednesday: Legs

Single to Double Leg Presses: 3-4 sets

Stiff to Regular Deadlifts: 2-3 sets

Single to Double to Unweighted Calf Raises: 2-3 sets

Friday: Back and Biceps

Bent Row-n-Shrugs: 3-4 sets

Combo Pull downs: 2-3 Sets

Rear Laterals: 1 set

Combo Curls: 1-3 sets

Description of Exercises and work-out

Low Incline Fly-n-Press: Bench is set to a low incline (15 to 20 degrees) Warm up with a couple of sets of light flys and a set or two of light presses. You start this exercise with bent arm flys. Pick a weight that you can get 6-8 reps with. DO NOT OVER STRETCH ON THIS MOVEMENT!!! Keep the same bend in your arms through out the movement.(About a 115 degree bend) In the top position flex your pecs hard and touch the dumbbells together as you do roll your hands as to touch your wrist together. Continue to absolute failure!. When you reach failure you will immediately start your dumbbell presses. Your palms should face your lower body though out the movement. Lower the dumbbell to your arm pits. Press it straight up and do not lock out until the final rep. Go to complete failure!

Upright Row-n-Press: I do this exercise facing a squat rack with the bar chest high. Pick a weight you can do for 6-8 reps. Grab the bar with 10”-12” between your hands. Your range of motion will be from your waist to your upper chest. Drag the weight against your body! Go to failure then rack the weight and immediately position your hands for the front barbell press. With no rest start repping! Do not lock out until your final rep.(if that is possible) Go to failure!

Tricep Extension-n-Press: Start by lying on a bench with a curl bar loaded with enough weight to allow for 6-8 reps. 1 st. movement is lying tricep extensions. This time they may be a little different than you are accustomed to doing. Start with the bar directly over your eyes and arms not quiet locked. Lower the weight to the top of your head, press it back up with your elbows flared out at approximately 30 degrees and do not lock out. (By flaring your elbows and not locking out you should be able to use more weight) Upon reaching failure immediately position the weight for close grip bench presses. Go straight up and down from mid abdomen to lock out. Keep your elbows in tight and flex your triceps on lockout. Again go to complete failure.

Tricep Press-down Drop Set: Start with a weight you can do strict for 10 reps. When you reach failure have your partner drop it by 10 lbs. and keep going when you hit failure drop it again,etc, etc, etc. (Or till your triceps explode!!!)

Lunge-n-Squats: After a thorough warm-up start lunges with a weight you can do strict for 8-10 reps. You will alternate legs (left, right,left,etc., etc.) until you reach failure. Immediately position yourself for squats with the weight high on traps and a shoulder width stance. Start repping! Go to failure.

Single to Double Leg Presses: You will start off with single leg alternating leg presses. Using a weight you can manage for 8-10 reps per leg go to failure then use both legs to finish to failure.

Stiff to Regular deadlifts: After you warm up do a set of stiff leg deadlifts till you can muster no more (6-8 reps) then immediately deadlift the weight to failure. On this exercise use very strict form!!!

Single to Double to Unweighted Calf Raises: On a standing calf raise do alternate raises (left, right, left, right) till you reach failure (12-15 reps) then work them both to failure. Then get your upper body out from under the pads with feet still on block and rep out. THESE ARE KILLER!!!

Bent Row-n-Shrugs: After a thorough warm up begin bent over rows on a straight bar USING WRIST STRAPS and an overhand grip. Bust out reps to failure. (6-8 reps) When you reach failure dead lift the weight and start banging out reps of shrugs to failure.

Combo Pull downs: You gotta use straps on this one too. I prefer to do these with a wide parallel grip bar but you can do them with a regular lat bar. Use a weight that allows for 8-12 very strict reps to your upper pec. When you reach failure pause in the top position for a count of 5 then lean back slightly and start repping to mid abdomen. When you reach failure have your partner drop the weight by 50 lbs. and immediately start over. When you finish both variations this is one set.

Rear Laterals: Pick a weight you can do for a set of 10-12 (failure) rep it out then drop 5 lbs. off and continue. Keep going till you are down to 2 1/2 lbs. Always going to failure!!!

Combo Curls: Start with a straight bar loaded with 10 lb. plates that you can get 10 reps of preacher curls with. Rep it out to failure. When you reach failure have your partner strip a 10 off each side and do a few more reps. When you hit failure this time rack the weight and run around the bar while your partner strips 2 more 10’s off and then grab the bar and bang out standing curls till you have to cheat then drop it again. That is one set. If you prefer dumbbells you can do hammer preacher curls the same way dropping the weight for a couple more then drop again for standing dumbbell curls then drop again. Either way they are hell.

One more thing...On your last set you can do partial reps if you like. I usually do this every other week on Low Incline Press-n-Flys, Upright Row-n-Presses, and combo Pull downs. When I do this I drop one set per exercise and milk the partials for all they are worth! I also Alternate every other week between Lunge-n-Squats and Single to Double Leg Press. I do the same thing with the Combo curls.

Well there you have it. If you have hit a wall in your training or just want to experience some tremendous growth give my work-out a try. But again I must warn you .....................................

Straight Bar Curls (Strict): 185x8
Lat Pull downs: 280x8
Bent Rows: 315x6
Behind the Neck Press: 245x6
Incline Dumbbell Press: 130 dumbbells x 6

You were doing this when you were 19 all natural?
I can do the 275 bench for 5 reps that easy the rest of these lifts are dam impressive.
The workout don't look that hard, but dam it would be fucking difficult and really intense
I,at that point had never trained in a conventional gym around anyone else. I knew no limitations.

I also came from a pretty good gene-pool. My Dad had been a powerlifter and wrestler (Died when I was 2) and my mom was 5'9" w/a large structure and solid.
When I was 19 I was doing more than that (with the exception bent over barbell rows, I didn't do them back then and I did standing push press as opposed to behind the neck press with 275 x 5 reps.. all natural.) It can be done.

BTW.. your routine is comparable to what mine is now. The routine is very do-able.

A routine I recently attempted I find to be far more challenging than that.

Pick 4 exercises that follow with a particular muscle group.

Perform 100 reps in 10 minutes with full contractions (reps would likely take 3-4 seconds to accomplish if done properly) using a moderate to light weight resting for ONLY 15 seconds, no more, no less.

I did this routine (a pro bodybuilder in the area was given this routine and he used it for quite some time) and I never stayed so swole and sore in my life. BTW, I have yet to make it to 100 reps on any of these exercises. This routine I find to be the most challenging routine I have ever done. I swear.. toughest thing I have ever done. I told the bodybuilder who uses this routine that I won't be doing consistently (for more than 3 weeks) until I start juicing.