Do you know pro bodybuilders' cruising test dose?

honestly who realy knows . at that level i would put it past them , if not even more . Yes 500mg can be considered a blast for many
people have this idea that pro's use massive amounts... I have some guys within the network of elite friends, you would be amazed on the inside truth of things... The most favored items is Slin/GH combo.. other then that, the dosage range will vary for most..Guys I know just maintain with 200-250, all the other compounds are the work horse..

We have guys from the Middle east who never use higher then 250 test EVER at the same time using 700-1000 of tren, some of these guys are simply animals..These middle east/Arabic boys deserve some respect in regards to the lifestyle..Each region has there on protocols!
I know pros dont take massive doses. I just want to know what dose they take while cruising.
Exactly 506.954mg per week. Any more or less, and you'll never see pro status.

Who knows exactly. It's not like taking the same amount of drugs as a pro will give you the same results. There are a ton of factors that determine what makes a pro a pro. :p

I am surprised that you have clients from the middle east running your test at all vision. It's legal to walk into a pharmacy and buy it OTC for ridiculously cheap prices.
I wouldn't be surprised if they even ran much at all, if any, during the off season. Of course some probably do but, a lot of the pros are VERY gifted in the genetics department and can grow quite well on food alone. These guys are naturally strong, grow well naturally and the gear is the last thing that has gotten them where to be. Lee priest claims to have not even ran gear while bulking. He stated that he had done some small 8 week cycle during a couple off seasons but nothing more. Contest time is a different story though.

At the end of the day I bet the amount the pros use is FAR less than most would assume.
Sorry, didn't want to start a new thread just to say, let's go Stillers!!! To all my fellow juicing Pittsburg fans. Thnx.
I think its more about hitting the right muscles at the right time combination so these guys have teams of knowledgeable advisors to guide them through it and beef them up.
nobody knows exactly what these guys use. everyone has their own protocol, they are no different than all of us here. my guess is they really don't use as much gear as you think they do, only maybe when they're getting ready for a show.

you also gotta remember that all these guys have insane genetics. one of my buddies is completely natty and is a shredded 220lbs @ 6'2, stays under 10% all year round with absolutely 0 effort he eats whatever he wants and trains 2-3 times a week. he's a genetic freak its unreal. i cant imagine what he'd look like on just 500mg of test a week, but he really has no need to. shit, even if he just put full effort into dieting and training he would look nuts.

most, if not all, of the top pros have those kinds of genetics...
nobody knows exactly what these guys use. everyone has their own protocol, they are no different than all of us here. my guess is they really don't use as much gear as you think they do, only maybe when they're getting ready for a show.

you also gotta remember that all these guys have insane genetics. one of my buddies is completely natty and is a shredded 220lbs @ 6'2, stays under 10% all year round with absolutely 0 effort he eats whatever he wants and trains 2-3 times a week. he's a genetic freak its unreal. i cant imagine what he'd look like on just 500mg of test a week, but he really has no need to. shit, even if he just put full effort into dieting and training he would look nuts.

most, if not all, of the top pros have those kinds of genetics. add in 100% dedication to the sport, some anabolics, and 3 years of solid training and you get a beast.
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Whatever it is, just dont go jumping into it like a kid. Like Notgill said that alot of these guys have a genetic advantage so their bodies can handle heavy loads but if your a small guy trying to do a big boy routine your going to get burnt like yesterdays toast.
Whatever it is, just dont go jumping into it like a kid. Like Notgill said that alot of these guys have a genetic advantage so their bodies can handle heavy loads but if your a small guy trying to do a big boy routine your going to get burnt like yesterdays toast.
exactly. big doses aren't always best. big doses dont always mean bigger gains (except with tren lol).

on the same diet and training routine, i did not see a significant difference in mass gain with 500mg test a week versus 1000mg. i wasn't on anything else either.

a light 8 weeker 350mg test prop a week with 350mg NPP could do wonders if you know what you're doing
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