Do you need to stack your post cycle therapy (pct) cylce? just coming off a cycle of test c.

justin h

New member
Do you need to stack your pct cylce? just coming off a cycle of test c.

I just don't want to spend what I don't have to.
I don't even know what your asking...You took testosterone cyp only? for how long? What dosage?

You need a SERM, Aromatase inhibitor (AI), and DAA for pct
I guess it's preference. rising test causes rising estro-> making it a good idea to continue Aromatase inhibitor (AI) thru pct and taper off towards the end
Maybe a week or two I suppose for shits and giggles but not necessary in my opinion. The longer esters are out of your system by 15-17 days at the most. By then there is no need for Aromatase inhibitor (AI) use. The exception would be if you run hcg post cycle. Then you would want to run your Aromatase inhibitor (AI) out a bit longer.
OK so I'm new. Yes I read the "read this if your new section so you don't ask stupid questions" So I'm just going to jump in and try to learn something. When you say test, you mean from a prescription right? I thought that test was like androsterone and was anti gyno? and why would you take crazy harsh chemicals in a post cycle therapy (pct) instead of just not pushing the envelope with your dose and then taking suffient time off to recover naturally? Hopefully not to stupid of questions.
I guess it's preference. rising test causes rising estro-> making it a good idea to continue Aromatase inhibitor (AI) thru post cycle therapy (pct) and taper off towards the end
and why the hell dose the word test turn in to a link every time someone types it. Is that just a paid advertising?
OK so I'm new. Yes I read the "read this if your new section so you don't ask stupid questions" So I'm just going to jump in and try to learn something. When you say test, you mean from a prescription right? I thought that test was like androsterone and was anti gyno? and why would you take crazy harsh chemicals in a post cycle therapy (pct) instead of just not pushing the envelope with your dose and then taking suffient time off to recover naturally? Hopefully not to stupid of questions.

Test means testosterone. This can be exogenous (meaning you inject it) or endogenous (meaning your body is producing it). I was referring to endogenous testosterone rising during post cycle therapy (pct). You take these harsh chemicals so that your body starts producing endogenous test faster than it would naturally, which could take months to recover if it does at all. So while your body is restarting it's natty test production some of that testosterone converts to estrogen through aromatization. This is why I like to take an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) during post cycle therapy (pct) to stop test from converting to estrogen, ultimately raising test and keeping your test:estro ratio in balance.
OK so I'm new. Yes I read the "read this if your new section so you don't ask stupid questions" So I'm just going to jump in and try to learn something. When you say test, you mean from a prescription right? I thought that test was like androsterone and was anti gyno? and why would you take crazy harsh chemicals in a PCT instead of just not pushing the envelope with your dose and then taking suffient time off to recover naturally? Hopefully not to stupid of questions.

test = testosterone it can be from your body or from prescription.
I mean what do you think peopel are talkign about with test cycles. many steroids are derived from test and prog. liek deca, EQ, masteron.

I am not sure how you read the newbie stickies and would still ask what test is... but atleast your learning