I guess it's preference. rising test causes rising estro-> making it a good idea to continue Aromatase inhibitor (AI) thru post cycle therapy (pct) and taper off towards the end
OK so I'm new. Yes I read the "read this if your new section so you don't ask stupid questions" So I'm just going to jump in and try to learn something. When you say test, you mean from a prescription right? I thought that test was like androsterone and was anti gyno? and why would you take crazy harsh chemicals in a post cycle therapy (pct) instead of just not pushing the envelope with your dose and then taking suffient time off to recover naturally? Hopefully not to stupid of questions.
OK so I'm new. Yes I read the "read this if your new section so you don't ask stupid questions" So I'm just going to jump in and try to learn something. When you say test, you mean from a prescription right? I thought that test was like androsterone and was anti gyno? and why would you take crazy harsh chemicals in a PCT instead of just not pushing the envelope with your dose and then taking suffient time off to recover naturally? Hopefully not to stupid of questions.
I just don't want to spend what I don't have to.