Do you think one of them is using gear pt. 2

I was bored so I ordered more gear today. Now I can get all exited when it comes, then just sit and look at it :(
Let's see, haven't been to the gym in 4 days, and my wife picked up Papa Smurfy's pizza. Nope, can find anything wrong with this plan.
Let's see, haven't been to the gym in 4 days, and my wife picked up Papa Smurfy's pizza. Nope, can find anything wrong with this plan.
I used to justify that by saying I was carb loading. ;) Don't miss too many days, or you'll find it that much harder to find time again! NOTHING can keep me from the gym, outside a natural disaster that prevents me from physically being able or a family emergency. Then again, as I don't have class until noon, I have plenty of time in the mornings to get a movin'. :)
I have my own weird little pre-gym ritual, if that gets messed up my workouts suck, so I usually put them off a day, but yeah, it's going to hurt when I go back, tomorrow I mean.
I have my own weird little pre-gym ritual, if that gets messed up my workouts suck, so I usually put them off a day, but yeah, it's going to hurt when I go back, tomorrow I mean.

I don't know how you do with stims, but a pwo is what keeps me able to go even when I am limping out of bed. I don't know if they still have it, but I've REALLY been enjoying n2bm's N2KTS. Takes about 30-45 minutes for it to kick in, then all I can see is that weight moving. I can tell you that I've missed ONE day of training in the last 7 months, and that was because I had really bad food poisoning, and was vomiting bile all day.

Then again, I have a goal that I am determined to meet by December, and another by January 2016. ;)
I CANNOT function without a PWO, I'm using Superdrive these days with Sizeon while I workout, but if I don't time a high protein meal and a little rest before I go I still end up dragging a bit.

My last big goal ended in mid August
I CANNOT function without a PWO, I'm using Superdrive these days with Sizeon while I workout, but if I don't time a high protein meal and a little rest before I go I still end up dragging a bit.

My last big goal ended in mid August
Why protein? It's the carbs that give you energy in the gym. I have my whey shake with oats mixed in and a slice of toast before I go. If I am out of oats or bread for the toast is when I notice a lack of energy. Or if I had a crappy dinner the night before. :p

Time to eat pizza (don't tell 3J)

Your secret is safe with me. :D

Unless he waterboards me, then I'm flipping like a hotcake at IHOP. :spin:
I get pretty ban insulin spikes. If eat a carb heavy meal I crash. I need a good base of fat and protein to maintain good energy levels. I'm pretty sure if I ate a donut in the morning on an empty stomach I'd end up somewhere between the ER and the morgue.
Me: Oatmeal cookies are OK if use some splenda to make them
Sock Doc: What about the rest of the sugar and the 2 sticks of butter?
Me: SHUT UP Soc Doc
I get pretty ban insulin spikes. If eat a carb heavy meal I crash. I need a good base of fat and protein to maintain good energy levels. I'm pretty sure if I ate a donut in the morning on an empty stomach I'd end up somewhere between the ER and the morgue.
Yeah, I'm a diabetic - I understand. That's why you choose fiber rich sources of carbs. Proteins and fats are great and all, but I can't see those lasting you throughout a session. Have you tried loading up on complex carbs instead like pasta/brown rice/red potatoes? Don't get me wrong, getting enough proteins and fats are important, but you're the first I've met that prefers them over carbs as a fuel source for the gym. :agreed:
First day back in 2wks. DOMS like a motherfucker
Hahaha. Niiiiiiiiiiice. Just your body saying, "WELCOME BACK BITCHES!" :D
Does anyone have some flat BB bench tips they'd like to share with Cap? I'm very weak on these pressing movements.

Power starts from your base and feet. Make sure your shins are perpendicular to the floor, feet planted flat. Tighten your whole lower body and clamp your hams and glute tight. Same with your core. Put your hands on the bar (use a closed grip not the open grip) and place the bar on the heel of your palm. Keep your elbows about 45degress bet yen your shoulders and obliques and adjust to suit your needs. The closer to your sides the more stable you'll find it. Things to bend the bar in half when gripping it and pressing. As soon as you touch your chest drive drive drive the bar up (if you're not doing PL'ing no need to practice the pause at the bottom). Take as deep a breath before your first rep as you can and try and hold it for the whole set or take as few breaths as possible during a set. Stare at one spot on the ceiling and try and keep the bar path in accordance with this imaginary line (the bar should end up right where your eyes are looking at the ceiling. Work on your weak spots: off the bottom work your lats and traps, in the middle work traps and pecs, up top work triceps. Try and keep the bar's plane of motion in a straight line. No back and forth movement since it ruins efficiency.