Do you think one of them is using gear pt. 2

Wow, you flagged for a previous shipment that had contraband in it? I didn't think RUI had problems getting to Canada...

It's very likely quantity issue, palmers they may be expecting you to have commercial importers paperwork:
Health Canada said:
5.0 Commercial Importation

All health products commercially imported into Canada must meet all applicable requirements of the Food and Drugs Act and its Regulations, including, but not limited to:

Marketing authorization requirements and Establishment Licence, Site Licence or Establishment Registration requirements; or authorization to conduct a clinical trail; and
GMP requirements

Health Canada considers that commercial importation activities include, but are not limited to, the following importations:

A shipment destined for a retailer, distributor, or other commercial establishment. This would include shipments being sent to independent sales contractors/distributors, or to a practitioner for use in their practice.
A shipment from a single foreign supplier consisting of individually addressed parcels, and the importer of record as indicated on a separate invoice for each parcel is not unique for each parcel.
A shipment that contains more than a 90-day supply of a drug, based on its directions for use or reasonable intake.
A shipment that is part of a pattern of repeat personal importations of the same drug to the same individual at the same address within a 90-day period and the total quantity imported in all shipments totals more than a 90 day supply based on its directions for use or reasonable intake.

A shipment that is accompanied by or associated with materials to be used for advertising or promotion.
A shipment destined for export.
A shipment of health product destined to a practitioner or qualified investigator of a clinical trial that is to be given to or used to treat a patient or a subject in a clinical trial. In the case of an animal practitioner this includes importation and administration to animals they do not own.
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each time I only ordered 1 item lol and the were diff items each time

Right, it's how they define 90-day supply that might be screwing you over.

If their definition of a daily "serving" of say Clen was 20mcg, there are 300 days worth of product in a single bottle according to how Canada defines it.
WELL over their 90-day limit.

B12 is another example, if they base their "serving" size on the RDA(2.4mcg), a single bottle of RUI B12 has almost 21000 days worth in a single bottle.

This has screwed a lot of people over on B1G1 deals also.
By buying one 5-lb tub of protein you're ok, but the free one often puts people over the 90-day supply limit for importation. Tons of people have had to sacrifice free products because of Canada's crackdown.
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Damn that's some hot shit. Straight blade?

Yea. My ex wanted me to shave my junk for her to go
Down. I couldn't do it so she did...with a straight blade. My junk and balls. Let me tell you I always made sure to suck up and kiss her ass before she went down there. I still shudder at the thought of a slip haha
Yea. My ex wanted me to shave my junk for her to go
Down. I couldn't do it so she did...with a straight blade. My junk and balls. Let me tell you I always made sure to suck up and kiss her ass before she went down there. I still shudder at the thought of a slip haha

That's some scary shit man hahaha. I use a stubble trimmer for the pubicles, so it get's pretty close. I tried using it on my balls once and nicked myself a couple times so I said fuck that. I use a regular razor for them. I actually shaved my asshole once too, it was HORRIBLE when it grew back. I will never do that again.