Do you think one of them is using gear pt. 2

at the end of your cycle do you guys do the yea its time to come off and I think im done with juice convo with yourself?

I did about a week and a half ago and now all my sides went away and I feel better and I kinda wanna go back on again.... damn me and my word to myself.... april is a long time away :( and I already got my gearzzz
at the end of your cycle do you guys do the yea its time to come off and I think im done with juice convo with yourself?

I did about a week and a half ago and now all my sides went away and I feel better and I kinda wanna go back on again.... damn me and my word to myself.... april is a long time away :( and I already got my gearzzz

It's your health or the cycle can't have both. ;). The waiting game does suck but we all go through with it brother



Pretty much.
I was looking up turkish coffee and that bad-mamma-jamma came up.
I want it.

Then I came across this bad boy:

It's a cannon that fires 25" projectiles weighing almost 700lbs each.
It's designed to destroy walls.
Turkish Bombard:
Galleries | Royal Armouries

I make that kind of coffee at home sometimes. That's the only coffee we made when I was growing up, have family ship us some good brews from France and Lebanon!!

I so want one of those cannons. Any blueprints to this?! I'm sure I can build one if I had specs :)
at the end of your cycle do you guys do the yea its time to come off and I think im done with juice convo with yourself?

Nope, I can't wait to blast and cruise for life.

But I do need to qualify that statement.
I'm on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) for life as it is, may as well get something out of it.
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Tasty looking vials Rumpy!

Avido: we should def get together and pull the big boy toys out: welders, drill presses, lathes, dremels, saw zaws, gags, blindfolds...fuck you probably know where this is headed.