Do you think one of them is using gear pt. 2

so hwat do you think his 6 week long ester'd cycle is??? a few weeks of heavy heavy dosing and just letting it work its way out over the course of a couple weeks?

edit: how we going to know when his book comes out and which book is his since he never gave us his name?
I never read that post so I don't know what his rational was, but I can only assume it had to do with better/faster recovery. Having not read it, I'm not going to comment, but A knows his stuff so I'm sure there's something to it. My normal thought process is that it takes time to build muscle, not matter what. More time, more workouts, more growth. Test at 500/week for 10 weeks will obviously yield better results than 5000mg for 1 week. I know that's a stupid extreme, but you know what I'm saying.
so normal transition in the convo here, does having higher or lower rbc count make cardio better? its when ur rbcs are higher it improves it right?
so normal transition in the convo here, does having higher or lower rbc count make cardio better? its when ur rbcs are higher it improves it right?

Yes but only to a certain gxtent. Too high and you'll blood will be too thick and not able to flow properly fuckimg you up.
so hwat do you think his 6 week long ester'd cycle is??? a few weeks of heavy heavy dosing and just letting it work its way out over the course of a couple weeks?

edit: how we going to know when his book comes out and which book is his since he never gave us his name?

It's more than likely a basic short entered cycle with mega dosing the first few days or something. The idea is short time on, short time off, short time on, etc. This way you're never off for long periods of time (imagine running a 16wk cycle for off time) and are making quick short bursts of constant progress.

I know his name and email with him regularly. He's going to let me know when it's available but it might not be for everybody.
so hwat do you think his 6 week long ester'd cycle is??? a few weeks of heavy heavy dosing and just letting it work its way out over the course of a couple weeks?

edit: how we going to know when his book comes out and which book is his since he never gave us his name?

Without getting into specifics as others do read this thread; It's essentially very high doses for 6-8 weeks and he just lets the half-lives take care of the rest. I don't want to say how high because it's most definitely not for novices, but I'll just say they're high doses.
That dude is all fucked up. Get's winded just talking... like BL.

Bostin just needs to learn to stop filming after he eats. "So guys *burp* I was down *burp* at the *mmffffmfff* gym *burp* today and I *burp* set a new *pfffttppptpffff* PR on the toilet *burp*, ain't ya'll *burrrrrrrp* proud of me?"
Fuck if I could do like 60 seconds of work in between refreshing these pages I'd be like 6 months ahead of where I am