I actually freaked out towards the and of my last cycle. I looked in the mirror and thought there was something wrong with my arm, like I needed to see a doctor. I had never seen big veins before. Half, do you have labs for 250 pinn vs 250 script?
Haha, I LOVE big veins coming through. I have this monster one that wraps around the outside of my forearms that shows up when I'm doing overhead presses. I'm still too fat to see that big mid-bicep one though.
I do have labs, but I can't post them as I did once and my wife noticed that I had them up with a date/level/and insurance company background. Made it pretty easy to identify me. I can tell you that they were:
Pinnacle: 1136ng/dL
Watson (pharma): 939ng/dL
The Watson one did have a slightly higher E2 level, which probably gobbled up 50 or so points, but I can assure you that they are damn close in potency. In fact, I would say pinnacle is slightly
overdosed if anything.
what is apheresis ??? never mind, just read up on it....
so what process do you do continuous or intermittent?
also, so they take you even if your crit is too high?
I'm not sure what system the machine uses to be honest, but from what I understand there is little difference between the two with regards to just plain platelet apheresis. I'd wager that there is a difference when it comes to other types of cellular (ex. leukocyte, etc) apheresis though.
I was actually right on the borderline as it becomes at the discretion of the lab tech/floor lead once you break 17.5 (52.5%) for hemoglobin and they tend to turn away folks with 18+ (54% HCT) from what I remember. I usually sit around 44-46% HCT, but as I had been deferred for two months while on a higher dose of AAS, my blood cells just kept piling up. I'm sure if I had been on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) doses, I wouldn't have broken 49% even with that deferral for so long. And yes, you do feel much better once you get that down.
You guys can keep this thread going without me?! Wtf!