Do you think one of them is using gear pt. 2

The 'It's time for school' alarm just woke me up again. My wife get's her ready and takes her to school, so I can go back to sleep for a little bit. While I was up I pre-cooked a potato for hash browns later. Need to go in to the main office today :( Then trying for the gym tonight, so I'm going to be in and out all day. Glad to hear NY was fun. Any pics?

Most of the pics came out crappy but here's my favorite, best burger I've had in NY period! View attachment 553997

I found the biggest fucking cockroach (penis, cock - get it?) I've ever seen in my life today. I was going to the bathroom and the fucker was right on top of the doorway. I'm talking EASILY 6" in length (egads, another possible joke) and had a red body. Ugly little bastard, that of course got the wife's attention as she heard me go, "Hoooooooly sheeeeeeeeeeeiiit!" I then got to spend the next 5 minutes capturing it (no way am I crushing that thing on the carpet with a body that big!) in an old ice tea cup so I can drown it and toss it.

Ahhh, the life of the King of the Castle.

That's fuckin gross. Did it hiss at you? We don't really have cockroaches out here, but we have some kind of chinese beetle or some shit. It's basically the same thing but they're not as big, and they don't hiss lol.
Mmmmm bacon

Yeeuh bitch. Bacon dicks in my mouth. LOT'S OF BACON DICKS. I think I might have eaten too much. I'm all bloated now, which I always am when I bulking so fukkit. Speaking of which, 186 this morning... aka heaviest I've ever weighed in at, and I'm still maintaining some vascularity which means I'm leaner than I was when I was 185 last year.
Most of the pics came out crappy but here's my favorite, best burger I've had in NY period! View attachment 553997
Damn, and I felt guilty having a bleu cheese burger last night - that thing looks amazing but that's got to be at least 1000kcals alone! :spin:

That's fuckin gross. Did it hiss at you? We don't really have cockroaches out here, but we have some kind of chinese beetle or some shit. It's basically the same thing but they're not as big, and they don't hiss lol.
No hisses, but I bet it could eat a poodle if left alone in a room with one haha. Then again, I'll take a cockroach over more goddamn bark scorpions ANY DAY. I'm not scared of bugs by any means, but I worry about my kiddo wanting to "play" with one and the ER trip that would come shortly after. :worried:
No hisses, but I bet it could eat a poodle if left alone in a room with one haha. Then again, I'll take a cockroach over more goddamn bark scorpions ANY DAY. I'm not scared of bugs by any means, but I worry about my kiddo wanting to "play" with one and the ER trip that would come shortly after. :worried:

Lol yeah fuck scorpions. I'm not really scared of bugs either. Just spiders, and snakes. Basically anything smaller with faster reflexes than me that can put me in the hospital. Oh, and heights. Can't do heights. Cliff jumping at the lake? I'll pass.
Lol yeah fuck scorpions. I'm not really scared of bugs either. Just spiders, and snakes. Basically anything smaller with faster reflexes than me that can put me in the hospital. Oh, and heights. Can't do heights. Cliff jumping at the lake? I'll pass.

Funny enough, I have a healthy respect for the venomous creatures that live in my neck of the woods - but those damn Gila Monsters give me the willies. Anything that can scare a horse from 500ft away is probably something we should be wary of too haha. I'm not scared of heights per se, but I can't see doing any skydiving in my future. Bigger they are, the harder they fall, etc. :p

It's peanut butter jelly time, peanut butter jelly time!

Where he at.

Where he at.

There he go!

There he go!

It's peanut butter jelly!

Peanut butter jelly!
All about the smuckers uncrustables :)

Last week before deload week! About to head to the gym to kill some squats!
And so what if I just had a little B&J peanut butter cup ice cream along with my pre workout meal? :)

Oh btw, I got the job! They just have to get the results back from my background check then I have to piss in a cup. Then I'm g2g!
Lol yeah fuck scorpions. I'm not really scared of bugs either. Just spiders, and snakes. Basically anything smaller with faster reflexes than me that can put me in the hospital. Oh, and heights. Can't do heights. Cliff jumping at the lake? I'll pass.

I not scared of the small stuff, I'm scared of the stuff that takes off pieces like sharks, bears, alligators that type of shit. Also not afraid of heights as long as I don't feel like I'm going to fall, thats why I don't like latters I allways feel like I'm going to fall
All about the smuckers uncrustables :)

Last week before deload week! About to head to the gym to kill some squats!
And so what if I just had a little B&J peanut butter cup ice cream along with my pre workout meal? :)

Oh btw, I got the job! They just have to get the results back from my background check then I have to piss in a cup. Then I'm g2g!
Sweet brother good luck with the new job
I not scared of the small stuff, I'm scared of the stuff that takes off pieces like sharks, bears, alligators that type of shit. Also not afraid of heights as long as I don't feel like I'm going to fall, thats why I don't like latters I allways feel like I'm going to fall

Haha spiders scare the living shit out of me! The fact I live in Texas doesn't help. We have black widows and brown recluses all over Texas in the rural areas. Just something about the fact something so small can put me in a grave that scares the shit out of me lol
I actually LOVE snakes :) misunderstood creatures haha
And heights aren't that bad. Went skydiving over a year ago and FUCKING LOVED IT!
If it didn't show my face I'd post my skydiving video. It's legit!
All about the smuckers uncrustables :)

Last week before deload week! About to head to the gym to kill some squats!
And so what if I just had a little B&J peanut butter cup ice cream along with my pre workout meal? :)

Oh btw, I got the job! They just have to get the results back from my background check then I have to piss in a cup. Then I'm g2g!

I didn't see 'peanut butter ice cream' listed in Austinite's vascularity stack Frank... let me have another look now... :scratchhe
Funny enough, I have a healthy respect for the venomous creatures that live in my neck of the woods - but those damn Gila Monsters give me the willies. Anything that can scare a horse from 500ft away is probably something we should be wary of too haha. I'm not scared of heights per se, but I can't see doing any skydiving in my future. Bigger they are, the harder they fall, etc. :p

Yeah those things are nasty. Not as bad as Komodo Dragons though. Them bitches is big.
It's not so much being up high for me, it's getting down from there. I can't jump from high places, so yes fuck skydiving. I can't even do Drop Zone. I like roller coasters though. Climbing things I don't have a problem with either. It's always getting back down. Like I'd climb trees as a little kid no problem, but I'd sit up there for a half hour trying to convince myself I wouldn't die on the way back down. I guess it's more a fear of falling than a fear of heights. Oh, and whoever says just doing it will help you get over your fear is full of shit. I jumped off an olympic platform one time, which is like 30 ft. and I won't ever do it again. It's long enough to start falling, realize your falling, think about the fact that you're still falling, say oh shit... I should probably hold my breath, fall a bit more, and finally hit the water. Fuck that.

It's peanut butter jelly time, peanut butter jelly time!

Where he at.

Where he at.

There he go!

There he go!

It's peanut butter jelly!

Peanut butter jelly!

Hahaha I've watched the fat kid video like 10 times this morning and still laugh every time when he pulls out the bread.