Do you think one of them is using gear pt. 2

Half, you forgot the "repeat" at the bottom. That runs in an infinite loop.
Haha, just need a few IF THEN statements, and it's golden. :spin:
No one else is going to go help that sad, sad little panda
I don't even know how to answer that thread about RMCP going after customers. I could speculate, but as AAS is legal to possess in Canada - I don't see how he'd be in any danger, unless they go after someone for intent to distribute. Even then, my knowledge of Canadian law is really lacking in that department. :worried:
And you think you're missing out by not being in a relationship. Hah! "Honey, I bought this today because it was on sale. What do you think of this awesome planter?"


"You don't like it?"

"We needed a planter...why exactly?


"Uhh, it's great honey..."

[[Three weeks later]]]

"Honey, can you take this ugly thing I bought for god knows why to the trash with you on your way out?"

"The planter...?"

"Yeah. I decided I really didn't feel like doing anything with it."



"Sure thing babe." *sigh*

Ahhhh, the joys of marriage! :spin:

Poor halfy :( lol

My mom did the same shit to my dad when they were still married
Poor halfy :( lol

My mom did the same shit to my dad when they were still married

Just part of the game you play when you say, "I do." ;) It's not THAT bad, but there are certainly some big differences in how we shop compared to women.

Men: I know what I want and don't really care what it costs. I'm buying it and I want it NOW.
Women: I don't really know what I want, but as long as it's on sale, I'm soooooo buying it. Maybe I'll spend a week thinking about my purchases and see if I can find a better sale on an item I don't need, but when I decide - I'll still be in buyers remorse for another week or two and need confirmation and reaffirmation from my husband to make me at peace with my decision.

Being married is a hoot. ;)
I don't even know how to answer that thread about RMCP going after customers. I could speculate, but as AAS is legal to possess in Canada - I don't see how he'd be in any danger, unless they go after someone for intent to distribute. Even then, my knowledge of Canadian law is really lacking in that department. :worried:

It's Panda. Facts and knowledge are irrelevant, just tell him he's going to die.
Haha, I LOVE big veins coming through. I have this monster one that wraps around the outside of my forearms that shows up when I'm doing overhead presses. I'm still too fat to see that big mid-bicep one though. :(

I do have labs, but I can't post them as I did once and my wife noticed that I had them up with a date/level/and insurance company background. Made it pretty easy to identify me. I can tell you that they were:
Pinnacle: 1136ng/dL
Watson (pharma): 939ng/dL
The Watson one did have a slightly higher E2 level, which probably gobbled up 50 or so points, but I can assure you that they are damn close in potency. In fact, I would say pinnacle is slightly overdosed if anything.

I'm not sure what system the machine uses to be honest, but from what I understand there is little difference between the two with regards to just plain platelet apheresis. I'd wager that there is a difference when it comes to other types of cellular (ex. leukocyte, etc) apheresis though.

I was actually right on the borderline as it becomes at the discretion of the lab tech/floor lead once you break 17.5 (52.5%) for hemoglobin and they tend to turn away folks with 18+ (54% HCT) from what I remember. I usually sit around 44-46% HCT, but as I had been deferred for two months while on a higher dose of AAS, my blood cells just kept piling up. I'm sure if I had been on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) doses, I wouldn't have broken 49% even with that deferral for so long. And yes, you do feel much better once you get that down. ;)


ook sweet, I need to donate for sure!!! three cycles down and ive never donated :(
im just afraid of iv needles... ex-downers-addict and I don't really want one sittin in my arm for 20 mins... it might make me ok with iv'in stuff idk
And then begins the slow transition from 'being married' to being an 'old married couple'
Haha, after 18 years of marriage this year - I think we qualify. :p

It's Panda. Facts and knowledge are irrelevant, just tell him he's going to die.
I'd tell him that if I thought he could handle it. As much as I like the kid, he's a perfect example of why using AAS at a young age isn't recommended. ;)

ook sweet, I need to donate for sure!!! three cycles down and ive never donated :(
im just afraid of iv needles... ex-downers-addict and I don't really want one sittin in my arm for 20 mins... it might make me ok with iv'in stuff idk
Honestly, if you go apheresis - you don't even know it's in you after a minute or two (INSERT "THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID JOKE HERE") and they cover up the site with gauze and a blanket/towel as many are not fond of needles. I used to have a big issue with needles, scratch that; HUGE issue with needles to the extent that I had done everything within my power to prevent me from having to use insulin for my diabetes. Once you get used to them (AAS can do that, I know it's a little different - but you do conquer that fear eventually), I now happily take my injectable diabetes meds (not insulin yet) as I'd rather poke my abdomen once a week than take 14 little pills that can cause me to go hypoglycemic without any notice or warning. Besides, they LOVE body builders - we make lots of platelets and have LOTS of body mass, which equates to blood volume. ;)


I found the biggest fucking cockroach (penis, cock - get it?) I've ever seen in my life today. I was going to the bathroom and the fucker was right on top of the doorway. I'm talking EASILY 6" in length (egads, another possible joke) and had a red body. Ugly little bastard, that of course got the wife's attention as she heard me go, "Hoooooooly sheeeeeeeeeeeiiit!" I then got to spend the next 5 minutes capturing it (no way am I crushing that thing on the carpet with a body that big!) in an old ice tea cup so I can drown it and toss it.

Ahhh, the life of the King of the Castle.
where would I go to get apheresis, just a normal blood clinic? and how long does it take to do a donation?

In the US? If so, the American Red Cross is your best bet. There are others, but I've found the ARC has the best programs and tends to take better care of its patients/customers. Time spent is dependent on your body mass (blood volume) and platelet count as well as your hemoglobin. I tend to be in and out within 2 hours every two weeks, but of course your mileage may vary. :)
im in Canada :(

Damnit eh! I really wish I knew more about how things ran up there as I always find myself in a position where my advice doesn't always apply. :( I'd google blood banks and apheresis nearby then and see what they have to offer. I'm sure you guys must have some sort of equivalent association, so it shouldn't be too hard to find. Just remember; YOU DON'T DO AAS when they ask you. That's always a red flag and a quick trip right back out those doors you came in. I know that seems silly to state, but the questions on this side of the border on that goofy questionnaire try to trick you into admitting it.
Morning Doc, been wondering where you were. I guess now that I've said hello from the west coast I can go back to bed
Morning Doc, been wondering where you were. I guess now that I've said hello from the west coast I can go back to bed

Hahaha had a crazy weekend. Totally was not expecting to have such a good time so I didn't get back home till late last night. Catch you when you wake up from your 'cat' nap :p
The 'It's time for school' alarm just woke me up again. My wife get's her ready and takes her to school, so I can go back to sleep for a little bit. While I was up I pre-cooked a potato for hash browns later. Need to go in to the main office today :( Then trying for the gym tonight, so I'm going to be in and out all day. Glad to hear NY was fun. Any pics?