Do you think one of them is using gear pt. 2

Wow. Only ONE per year? Crikey. Yeah, hopefully you can get all settled in after a few days so you can take a well-deserved break and enjoy your new pad. Hold off on the home improvements for at least a couple months, I know how tempting it can be! ;)

Unfortunately yes, just the one.
That has been one of my criticisms against my company for a long time.
I've worked full days with a fever of 102*, I had to because they I'd have been fired if I left.
I've worked more days while sick than I've taken off total.

The shitty part about it too is that for years and years I wasn't on salary.
I would be averaging 57 hours per week. If I took a week off, I on'y got paid for 40.
By taking a week off, I would lose 17 hours of overtime, literally cutting my paycheck in half.
That's a hell of a choice to have to make, take a week off for mental health and spend the next several weeks scrimping and saving to make up for it.

While in that position I've had to forfeit a dozen or so weeks of vacation.
Unfortunately yes, just the one.
That has been one of my criticisms against my company for a long time.
I've worked full days with a fever of 102*, I had to because they I'd have been fired if I left.
I've worked more days while sick than I've taken off total.

The shitty part about it too is that for years and years I wasn't on salary.
I would be averaging 57 hours per week. If I took a week off, I on'y got paid for 40.
By taking a week off, I would lose 17 hours of overtime, literally cutting my paycheck in half.
That's a hell of a choice to have to make, take a week off for mental health and spend the next several weeks scrimping and saving to make up for it.

While in that position I've had to forfeit a dozen or so weeks of vacation.

Employers market, gotta love that shit. My wife is in a similar position, except that she has business travel forced on her instead of sick days. They like to send her to customers across the country since she's easy on the eyes and knows her shit, but refuse to pay her for what she's doing or the fact that a lot of these trips take place over the weekend, which as salary isn't paid. I want to rewind time to the 80's/90's, when employees actually had some power in the workplace. :(

That's some horseshit not paying you for overtime if you miss time. They're probably getting around that by saying you're on an 80hr work schedule, so overtime is calculated accordingly. Cheap bastards. :mad:



As an uneducated slob, them's the breaks I guess. :/

And employers wonder why their employees aren't contributing to the companies mission statement.
I'm still sleepy, so yeah - a bit on the direct side. I'm probably going to get in trouble when I hit the gym in 20 minutes. :worried:

"Hey miss blondie, I see you checkin out my muscles and cock all the time. I'd love to shoot you some suave line and woo you into the locker room, but I'm just gonna get straight to the point... Wanna suck my dick in the squat rack?"
As an uneducated slob, them's the breaks I guess. :/

And employers wonder why their employees aren't contributing to the companies mission statement.

YES. I do remember sitting in a meeting covering cuts to hours/pay/benefits before only to have them bring up morale and how we could improve our productivity. People totally want to take care of a company that is giving it to them dry and not even giving them of a courtesy reach-around. Even having an education in this day and age won't do much for you outside giving a few more options unfortunately. I just want that ability to walk if I have to and find new employment easily. That's the ONLY reason I'm punishing myself with 5 years of college in my 30's. ;)
"Hey miss blondie, I see you checkin out my muscles and cock all the time. I'd love to shoot you some suave line and woo you into the locker room, but I'm just gonna get straight to the point... Wanna suck my dick in the squat rack?"

I would take that blonde with super-ass into the tanning room and give it to her like a rabid dog. Ohhhhhh dear, I really need to watch my tongue this morning LOL.
YES. I do remember sitting in a meeting covering cuts to hours/pay/benefits before only to have them bring up morale and how we could improve our productivity. People totally want to take care of a company that is giving it to them dry and not even giving them of a courtesy reach-around.

That really is one hell of a thing right?

I'm a big fan of showing appreciation for effort above and beyond. It doesn't have to be monetary (though cash really IS king).
Sometimes I'll be leading a group and someone is excelling at everything they're doing, I want to reward them.
Unfortunately I have to go through channels to actually do they.

They call a reward/incentive a bribe. They're trying to dangle the carrot in front of your face while not actually having a carrot. It's just a string but they'll keep telling you "be patient, the carrot is coming".

I really had a rude awakening a while back. Like I said, I used to be a floor guy.
Recently I'm more involved with customers. It was a real culture shock for me to actually talk to a customer, hear their concerns and actually be able to do something with it. Now I look at half the stuff going on in my company and just wonder "who's driving all of this?"

Half of what we do is not value added and that's the problem.
The customers aren't driving our activities, our managing director is.
That really is one hell of a thing right?

I'm a big fan of showing appreciation for effort above and beyond. It doesn't have to be monetary (though cash really IS king).
Sometimes I'll be leading a group and someone is excelling at everything they're doing, I want to reward them.
Unfortunately I have to go through channels to actually do they.

They call a reward/incentive a bribe. They're trying to dangle the carrot in front of your face while not actually having a carrot. It's just a string but they'll keep telling you "be patient, the carrot is coming".

I really had a rude awakening a while back. Like I said, I used to be a floor guy.
Recently I'm more involved with customers. It was a real culture shock for me to actually talk to a customer, hear their concerns and actually be able to do something with it. Now I look at half the stuff going on in my company and just wonder "who's driving all of this?"

Half of what we do is not value added and that's the problem.
The customers aren't driving our activities, our managing director is.

You pretty much nailed it on the head sir. If they only took the silly shit that's not value added out and then replaced it with employee incentives, I bet a huge part of what ails companies would be gone. Still blows my mind when I watch old movies from the 70's with the stay-at-home Mom watching the kids and the Dad coming home after an 8 hour day to a nice big house with a fully stocked fridge and little woes. Now we have to have both parents working, daycare as an added expense, and struggling to pay bills unless you both happen to be making 50k+ in this day and age.

I can't wait for this generation of instant gratification, entitlement driven kids sees the truth of the world. It's going to be a real wakeup call for them, that's for sure.
I can't wait for this generation of instant gratification, entitlement driven kids sees the truth of the world. It's going to be a real wakeup call for them, that's for sure.

It will be a wake-up call for sure.
My concern is that because they're the instant gratification easy way out crowd, public assistance will be the preferred method of income. Or drugs, I hear those are pretty lucrative and in high demand. Why work for something when they can sit at home and collect?

I hope I'm wrong.
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The other concern is that innovation in the US is stagnating.
Rules, regulations, taxes etc have pigeon holed what can be done as a new business unless you're already filthy rich. Nobody has any drive to start their own business anymore or even to develop an already established yet failing business. People just want money through as little effort as possible.
That leaves people looking for "jobs".

Cripes I hope getting my T levels to normal improves my mood a little.
I don't like being a winy bitch.
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It will be a wake-up call for sure.
My concern is that because they're the instant gratification easy way out crowd, public assistance will be the preferred method of income. Or drugs, I hear those are pretty lucrative and in high demand. Why work for something when they can sit at home and collect?

I hope I'm wrong.

I doubt it unfortunately.
Define "get ahead in life".

Be able to progress as far as financial stature I guess. Like I don't want to live at home for the rest of my life. How do I get to where I can actually afford to buy a house? I see people that make way less than I do buying houses all the time.
This is for our Texan friend, a little DLB:

She won the women's physique division at the olympia. I think the women's physique division is actually really cool. I like it more than figure for sure. And it's not just whores showing how they look doggy like bikini.